[color=CC00FF][h1][center]Charndoisella Ariellitya[/center][/h1][/color] [hr] And then they were off, going through the streets of this remote, isolated, island nation. The bright lights of the anime signs at night made it fairly difficult for her to see, but she was managing to find her way. Despite not being used to such large bright signs of lewdly drawn characters, she was quickly adapting. Her family estate was usually kept fairly bright, something about how bright lights were associated with both angels and fairies. Once her eyesight was fully adjusted, she was on full alert. Every alleyway could have waited danger and every person on the street was a potential magus. From this night onward, Tokyo was going to turn into a battlefield. Even if the millions of inhabitants were unaware of it, the city was not going to look the same by the end of this conflict. Charlie was not sure of the kind of damage that the city would go through, minimal or major, but ultimately, there was going to be damage. Innocent lives were probably going to be lost as well. This city was a tragedy waiting to happen. [i][color=CC00FF]"Hey, Caster, since we both work with the fae, would it be a bother if I asked you to instruct me? It would be an honor to learn from someone like you!"[/color][/i] A question to save the girl from thinking too hard. Not that it was really out of nowhere or anything, for it was the real reason for her participating in the war. To advance her family by summoning someone connected to the Fae and learning all she could within 2 weeks. The excitement of actually summoning someone so prolific and showing them the modern world made the question slip from her mind. However, if she couldn't gain anything from her Servant, then her priorities in the war would have to change. After asking that question, her face turned slightly red. It was a horrible time to ask, and she absolutely botched how it should have been done. To begin with, starting with "Hey, Caster" instead of something like "Please, my lord" was a massive blunder. What proper King would take a student who showed such little respect? Following that, why did she not bow? It was a bit disgraceful for a magus to lower themselves to such a point, but for an opportunity like this? She truly was an idiot. Most importantly, why would King Arthur teach a like her? Charlie simply kept her head low and waited for the rejection.