[h1] CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER [/h1] Signature:[u] James Quinn Parker [/u] Age of Signing: 23 Legal State: Independent man Portrait: [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6762/ba5637e94e32907c95ced1c50f8cf5e7f411ffcav2_00.jpg[/img] Biography: James was born on December ,12th of the 17th winter.(don't know the years so I hope this is ok) Born to a middle class family James was neither poor nor rich. Instead his family lived fairly comfortably. Of course they still had to work hard for their pay. Because of their financial situation James grew up with a simple philosophy " Be thankful of what you have now we it can always change tomorrow ". James had grown up during the plague but luckily him nor his family never caught it. Once reaching his later teenage years James decided he would do something about the plague. Thus he decided to join The Plague Doctors Guild and receive schooling through which his family paid for. Once in school James focused more on the Germs and Filth practice instead of the Soul and evil deeds. He has been to the noble city multiple times but only to watch older plague doctors so he could learn. House History: James family has almost always been middle class. They always sat comfortably in the middle but always lived with the idea that that could change . His family had almost always been artisans making beautiful clay creations for the people. While James certainly had the gift he decided to go a different route. his family had always been supportive of their children's dreams and paid for his schooling.(I can make this longer if need be) Enterprise: Plague Doctor History of Blight: James has not contracted the blight so far. Wed: Single