[hider=Reiko Hanekawa] [img]https://www.koi-nya.net/img/subidos_posts/2018/04/Hanebado.jpg[/img] [b]Hacker[/b] [i]Name:[/i] Reiko Hanekawa [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Age:[/i] 17 [i]Personality:[/i] Some people like to say “honesty is the best policy”, most people think little white lies never hurt anyone and others spend every day pretending to be something they are not just to get through life. As you grow out of childhood and into adulthood it’s important to find the right balance between truths and lies that will allow you to comfortably navigate social situations in a way that both lets you get what you want while also not troubling your conscience too much; in Reiko’s case, she found that life got a lot easier when she started telling people what they wanted to hear rather than what was true or what she really thought. She also found that lying didn’t really bother her that much. [i]Bio:[/i] Reiko is a popular person, well-liked by almost everyone she meets at school or elsewhere; she is seen as kind, caring and intelligent, always willing to help when asked or always available to lend an ear to someone’s troubles. She’s never short on friends, has a thriving social life and always has a smile on her face; no boyfriends though, she’s always too busy to date and will gently turn down anyone who asks her out. She seems almost perfect. Because this is what she wants people to think. To tell the truth, and she rarely does, the Reiko most people see is just a character she came up with to make her life easier. She doesn’t care about the people she helps, or the petty problems they come to her with, she just helps them because it’s what’s expected of her; besides you’d be surprised at how quickly you build up favours like that and when you’re seen as someone who is always so busy helping others it’s easy to pass your responsibilities off onto everyone else. As long as she takes credit for it she can then build up even more favours. She doesn’t actually like the people she hangs out with nor shares any of the interests she claims to share with them. It’s easy to pretend to have a busy social life when you get invited to everything, even if you end up going to none of them. She doesn’t like people nearly as much as she pretends to; if anything she’d say she hates them. But people don’t really like it when you tell them that; nobody actually wants to hear the truth. The only issue is that she’s trapped herself in this situation, she’s made herself too popular, and even though it makes for an easier life than the alternative of being hated it’s exhausting wearing a mask all the time. That’s why she spends so much time in EDEN. Even though she only created an EDEN account because everyone was talking about it, she soon found that it offered exactly the kind of escape from her daily life that she was looking for. The first time she put on the headset she almost cringed at the sight of so many people in one place before the mask fell into place, but no one knew or cared who she was; no one tried to talk to her, no one was asking her for favours or advice or trying to invite her to things. She was anonymous. She soon found it was much easier for her to avoid people she knows while in a Digital Dive than in real life; she could simple change her clothes, hair or anything except her face, like putting on a disguise, and disappear for a while. Putting on a disguise so she could take off the mask was a strange concept, but EDEN is the only place she has found where she can drop the act for once and be herself and she has been an avid user ever since. The freedom she found in EDEN was liberating, but at the same time she sometimes found that freedom somewhat limited by such obstacles as security or firewalls. She understood the need for privacy, but as someone who started using EDEN as a means to not feel trapped such things were almost a personal affront to Reiko, so she started looking for ways around them. She taught herself how to hack as best she could using the resources available to her, but as someone who was never into computers much it was slow going. She read any source she could find and got in contact with anyone she could to help her, burning a few favours from people at school in the process, but her aptitude in this area was somewhat lacking; even now she struggles to hack anything more complicated than rudimentary firewalls. Then she found out about Digimon. Or at least, she found out that hackers used them to break down walls that they couldn’t hack normally. That sounded a lot manageable than what she was currently doing, not to mention easier; why wasn’t everyone doing this? Since those early days Reiko has made it a habit to break into any secure area she can just for the sake of doing so, although anything with a firewall that can’t be broken down with brute force is pretty much safe from her. She sees any area sealed off from the public as a challenge to be overcome, scouting the location, planning her break-in and executing it only to do nothing more than look around for a while before leaving. Even so she has more than a few somewhat high profile break-ins on her “resume” and a few places have even upgraded their security because she began targeting places nearby; not that that was usually enough to stop her. Reiko doesn’t think of herself as a hacker, but this kind of activity is probably why she received an invitation from some group called Jormungundr. [hider=Digimon] [b]Digimon 1:[/b] [i]In-Training:[/i] Minomon [i]Rookie:[/i] Wormmon [i]Champion:[/i] Stingmon [i]Ultimate:[/i] Jewelbeemon [i]Mega:[/i] Bancho Stingmon [b]Digimon 2:[/b] [i]In-Training:[/i] Puroromon [i]Rookie:[/i] Funbeemon [i]Champion:[/i] Waspmon [i]Ultimate:[/i] Cannonbeemon [i]Mega:[/i] Tiger Vespamon [/hider] [/hider]