[color=c4df9b][/color][color=c4df9b][/color][color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] Two defeated, and she collapsed on her knees, gasping for breath. What happened just now, was far beyond anything she had experienced up until now. But even more so was the hunger, focused on the corpses she felled. Two of them, and with the others preoccupied at the moment. She snapped to her senses just as she found herself already slipping her mask up slightly, and taking a large bite out of one of the creatures' still warm heart. Far from offending her refined palate, the raw taste of blood, fat and muscle invigorated her, tasting as if it was the finest food prepared by her family's best cooks. Angry, annoyed, and thoroughly disgusted with herself, she nonetheless finished it with gusto, and ripped out the heart from the other with her bare hand, the flesh, muscles and bones posing barely a hindrance to her strength. She hated it, but she knew she needed her strength, and with just a small portion of her face revealed, she was sure she could get away with it even if anyone stole a glance at her right now. Each bite she took seemed to fill her body with more and more energy, so what if, just for a moment, she took one of those bodies and... [i][color=c4df9b]"Delicious isn't it?"[/color][/i] The smug knowing expression on the red child sitting a few paces away was infuriating, but one she cannot fight right now. Ettamri was the one eating a still warm heart from a slain foe after all. [i][color=c4df9b]"Tough, and chewy. Did you know? A human heart is much more tender, soft but still chewy. You deserve more than this, you know? I'm quite sure with a show of strength, you can bring some of those savage tribes here together, and rule over them."[/color][/i] With an angry grunt, Ettamri kicked some snow at the child, who simply disappeared, her laughter ringing in her ears. She had wasted enough time; the others were still fighting, and they will need help with these monsters. Turning towards where Katya and Siwon was fighting, she grabbed one of the trunks the aboms had been pummeling her with before, and threw it like a lance towards the monster they were fighting. Without missing a beat, she grabbed her club and moved towards them, weapon at the ready.