Steppe Archer would take her place behind Shade as he carried the lantern, feeling like they were a proper part with all this planning. Even though Shade was right about them needing to stay quiet, lest the rats swarm them in a bid to devour, Steppe Archer did have one last thing to say. That being: [color=CC6633][b]"Remember, if anyone gets bitten, we need to treat it immediately. I know a little bit about medicine...just enough to maybe make it not so lethal. But if you get bitten, its almost guaranteed to get infected. If there's too many in one spot, we can use bait to lure them out. Hunting's all about outsmarting your prey, instead of out-muscling them."[/b][/color] the girl would say, keeping her sword drawn. She sincerely hoped they'd be wasn't until she was done here that she realized they had no curatives. Well, beyond the herbs that could serve as a mild anesthetic if crushed into powder and dried. But other than that, they'd have to perform perfectly. A task that was likely beyond porcelain ranked adventurers. No matter. If need be, she could carry someone up the ladder herself. Being in the back carried both the least, and most amount of risk. For a straight fight, the backline was almost assuredly never going to be touched, unless the party were to completely wipe against what they were fighting. On the other hand, in the case of an ambush the rear line was the first to die. This much was basic to understand. And with her understanding came a hint of worry, as Steppe Archer continued to check behind them whichever way they would proceed, not wanting to get caught in a pincer attack by the rats...or whatever else might be down here and hungry.