[centre][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e9901dd5f6d91f508b6077b0d21895e7/tumblr_pp7u7yhvwq1v6xsm2o2_500.gif[/img][/centre] [h2][centre]Longshanks[/centre][/h2] Berserker allowed Daisuke to guide him into another room, seating himself on a sofa. It was certainly more comfortable than the wooden throne of coronation that he had created. The time that had been wasted was already gone, and there was time to relax. Some, at least. [quote]"The first thing a king should know is the culture of any land he visits - this here is Sukiyaki, a Japanese dish that is typically served on special occasions in the winter, such as the end of the year. This is a grave warning, so heed it well - It is fairly hot since I just cooked it, so be very cautious to avoid burning your mouth."[/quote] Edward nodded gravely, taking his fellow lord’s warning seriously. A special dish that one must consume carefully - that seemed to fit what he knew of this land. Picking up the cutlery, he took a tentative bite. “Excellent,” He said, muffled slightly by his chewing. A strange dish, compared to what he knew, but its taste was good. [quote]"Oh my word, I have been uncouth - I apologize, Sir Edward, you should be the one talking. Do you have any questions for me? After we get you comfortable, we can start work on the war. Personally, I think the highest priority is your code name."[/quote] “A code name?” Edward asked. “My class name should suffice. Though if you want to attempt to obfuscate that…” He paused for a moment, thinking. “I shall leave it to your discretion. Nothing that provides any hint to my identity, mind.” He calmly finished the meal, and then stood. “Come,” Edward said, walking from the room without turning to check if Daisuke was following. “I need to see the battlefield that I will be fighting on.” There was no need to hide in spirit form; if an enemy wanted to challenge him, they were welcome to. As he strode through the city, the citizens around him took great notice of the tall foreigner in strange armour. He paid them no mind. If it came to a fight, his will alone would be enough to ensure nobody remained to witness it. Casting his gaze towards the citiy’s skyline, he smiled. “Yes, that tower will be an excellent point to look over this city,” He said as if to an ally behind him, without checking if Daisuke had followed him. He began to move. [h3][centre]Heading to Tokyo Tower[/centre][/h3] [@Duoya]