Name: Murphy Jones Age:15 Appearance: [hider=Murphy] [img][/img] [/hider] Godly Parent: Dionysus god of grape-harvest, wine, madness, parties, religious ecstasy, and theater. Powers: he can control and grow grape-vines , can cause/cure madness and can turn any drink into wine(once he is legal age for now turns any drink into Coca-Cola) and can't get drunk. He can also call upon and order the Maenad who are Zealot nymphs of Dionysus but it costs a lot of energy. Other: Maenad description: The Maenads look like teenage girls. Their skin was webbed with bright capillaries, their eyes were severely bloodshot, and their lips were redder than normal.[1] When they get overly excited, their fingernails turn into long, white talons, and their teeth elongate into wolf-like fangs.[2] The Maenads wear tunic dresses of loose purple, red silk with leaves tangled in their hair, and tiny vipers adorning some of their heads. Some carried large twisted, wooden branches topped with a giant pine cone with some wrapped with living snakes. Characters theme song: Aftermath by Crown The Empire