[img]http://images.mid-day.com/images/2017/feb/15Shia-LaBeouf-1.jpg [/img] [b]Name[/b]: Erik Keystone [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: M [b]Height[/b]: 6'3 [b]Weight[/b]: 214 lbs. [b]Ethnicity[/b]: White [b]Sexual Orientation[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Religion[/b]: Undisciplined [b]Occupation[/b]: Online college student [b]Ability[/b]: Kinetic energy use... His power is the ability to channel energy from within himself and objects around him to form forcefields or strike people with solid, fast-moving orbs or spikes of energy. He can also endow things with energy, or "charge them up." [b]Background[/b]: Erik is from a bad trash neighborhood where he vowed to leave. He acquired a job when he was 16, and then graduated from school. Shortly after that, his mother deceased after overdosing on drugs and he broke down at the funeral. His uncle advised him to see a shrink, and he did. He was given medicine, but tried to off himself like his mother did. So, halfway on the way out he called the emergency line and doctors put him in the behavioral clinic. He was suffering depression. They got him eating and sleeping correctly. After a couple of weeks, he was discharged from the hospital unit and started back working. He used his medicine, and it worked. He hardly ever complained, but he did get questioned several times about failing drug tests. He delivered the manager a note from his doctor. But, he felt like he was under profiling and quit work and applied and received government assistance. It's been a lot of the same thing since he left intensive behavioral care. Nowadays... he's got a superpower and he runs with it.