[hr][hr] [center][color=CD5C5C][h1]Evelyn Holder[/h1][/color] [img]https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/16130631/500full-emily-beecham.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Serval Industries, R&D Lab Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Evelyn just stared at Watts as he gave her his explanation of throwing objects at people who weren't even there, she was willing to believe that Watts was actually right, as far as she knew Andrew could still be alive somehow. As she leaned herself up against the table, then she looked up at the ceiling as she noticed some plaster falling onto the ground of the lab. And then a loud crash as more parts of the ceiling came falling down, revealing that it was Wesley who had somehow managed to get himself up into the ceiling. She wasn't sure at all why he was even up there in the first place. Then Watts decided to throw a calculator at Wesley's head, which did make her smirk and shook her head slightly at it, but she still did wonder if he was spying on them or something like that. When Watts addressed her again turning to look up at him they had some timeline to but they didn't know where she was. [color=CD5C5C]"Do you know where we even need to go?"[/color] Evelyn asked Watts as she offered a hand to help Wesley back up to his feet. [color=CD5C5C]"Why were you up in the ceiling in the first place?"[/color] Evelyn asked him.