[center] [hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/2859094ceb77cb7b4cc473845d8de57b.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dawn was glad Chloe agreed with her in the aspect of wanting a car. But didn’t say anything. She did find it odd that she still thought that Dawn thought peter ment her ‘ill will’ She shook her head just barely, as if it was just to shift the hair from her eyes. [color=fff200] “I know he doesn’t mean...ill will... [/color] she whispered awkwardly. Peter then spoke up saying it was only three blocks away. A grimace twisted her lips at the mention of walking and especially the amount of time walking.. She hated walking. Like, those people who went on hikes for…’fun’ must seriously have a mental problem. Peter then added he didn’t want to deal with the traffic. But it was like...three blocks. Her nose twitched. Something was fishy here...that and added to the fact that most boys who have cars like to ‘show them off.’ Like the giant in the tiny antique sports car. But before she could turn the screws on the boy she felt someone touch her shoulder...she knew Peter wasn’t THAT close. She looked over her own shoulder with an inquisitive look, only to be met with a chest. A big one. Her own blue eyes ran up from there to meet the new boy’s mysterious amber eyes. She blinked a few times, [color=fff200]”Despite having the threat to walk three blocks for a burger cause pebbles doesn’t want to drive, I guess I’m doing better... [/color] She said with a smile so small it looked like a twitch of her cheek, and was gone in an instant. She glanced at Peter for a moment, she said this for a purpose, to see if this guy knew enough if he truly had a car or not. [color=fff200][i]Specially if you tag along. Eye candy.”[/i] [/color] She thought to herself. Which could be a possibility as Peter asked if he wanted to come. This brightened her mood for a moment, if she could have eye candy and food? It would make the experience more tolerable. Chloe spoke up, asking if they knew each other. [color=fff200]”Nnnnope. Don’t know him. But If can save us from the cheesy lines coming from pebbles, I'll forgive the rudeness this one time. ” [/color] She chuckled with a mischievous smile. [hr]