[center][h3][color=00ff00]Andrew Richard Whitewood III[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Obnoxiously early in the morning, according to at least two of the riders, eight riders were being placed on a farm wagon to make the ride to the mine. It was the only thing that Andrew and the red hair girl were going to agree about for the entire day. Brom was placed on the bench so he could see what he was dealing with, the driver stood at the driving board, an archer rode behind the engineer, a swordsman at the back, the scribe and the two girls, Brom's servant boy was placed up on the bench with Brom, and then finally the glass blower. In a basket there was breakfast, fresh hot bread and sweet roles and fruit and dried meat. The women brought three small chests with clothing enough clothes to keep them in dresses for the next week. Then finally a large chest with blankets, pillows, and some finery was loaded. It was heavy. The last chest was the reason the Abbot had to ride his horse. But it meant that everyone on the wagon would a place to sleep tonight and a place to sit on the ride. There was room for the engineer to bring some equipment as they also were hauling new picks and shovels for the miners. Andrew's horse was saddled, despite his protest and some profanity. He was to ride it to the mine and back. In his saddle bag was a book on different plants, one on birds, and a newly copied prayer book that Scribe Drom had copied for him. As they rode with the river trail, climbing the town started to wake.