"This is not a socia-[i][b]glurfghf!?![/b][/i]" Athena's reply to Dahlia was cut short, by a sandal-clad foot stepping nonchalantly on her face. At this point, the young pallum woman next to Grentiloch burst into tear-filled laughter, holding her sides as she nearly toppled over. Grentiloch himself had to raise a hand to his bearded face and cough once or twice, to cover up the apparent snicker that might have escaped his lips otherwise. As if insult to injury, the offender of said foot-to-face-planting now squatted down next to the Goddess and requested to join her Familia, all the while the heap of humanoid limbs and mouths wailed and flailed hopelessly. "[b]Enough of this! Everyone calm down![/b]" Athena's patience was indeed plentiful, but even she had her limits when it came to chaos and disarray. Surprisingly, at the behest of the Goddess commanding voice, all voices simmered down and all movement slowed to a crawling, eventual halt. After some careful, meticulous unravelling, the lump of bodies untangled and freed itself from its singular state, allowing all nine individuals to finally breathe and stand on their own feet. However, this brief respite did not last for long, as the six brutish ones soon began pointing fingers and hurling accusations and angry, hurtful words at the fox-girl who had been the first through the door. The renard, on the other hand, looked deeply insulted and denied any allegations about her having called the half-dozen adventurers various names and insulted their pride. As the squabbling grew louder, the mistress of Warrior's Rest rubbed her temple before speaking up, loud enough to be heard above the other voices, but not loud enough to be shouting. "Listen. I do not care if this girl insulted your mother or your Familia, you are all strong adventurers, are you not?" She had one eye closed and the other open, looking at the group with a furrowed brow. "Surely you can agree that meagre words are not enough to warrant you breaking into another Familia's home and assaulting a Goddess?" At this, the majority of the offenders grew pale faces and averted their eyes, scratched the back of their heads or mumbled something incoherent. "I think we can all agree that this incident is best left as it is, no harm was done, and no harm needs to be done. To anyone." Saying this final piece, the adventurers bowed their heads, apologized in uniform loudness and then rushed out the door just as fast as they had arrived. Athena sighed and rested her forehead against her palm, looking rather exhausted. "Honestly, don't the others know how to raise their Children properly?" This was said more as a musing to herself, rather than to anyone present. Turning around, there were still three newcomers present. The girl, Dahlia, the renard who had bee the initial gate-crasher, and the Pallum who had sought fit to walk [i]over[/i] a cluster of people rather than around them. The red eyes of the goddess rested on the trio for a bit, before speaking once more. "Now that things aren't so complicated, why don't we go ahead and introduce ourselves, properly?" She suggested, her expression less than amused. "I am Athena, Goddess of this Familia, and these two are Tiramis and Grentiloch, two of my children." She motioned towards the pallum girl and the chienthrope senior. "Yup." The old man said, nodding. "Nice to meet'cha! Just call me Tira, okay?" The littler female said, winking and smiling as brightly as the sun. the fox went ahead, apparently thinking she was so entitled because....... Reasons? Apparently she was called Ayame and hailed from a distant region, and apparently the Athena Familia was lucky to have been graced by her arrival. Although she spoke very politely and was good at presenting herself in an appealing fashion - to Athena - she had a somewhat snooty and arrgant air about her, especially towards the others. The fox-girl then requested to join the Familia, apparently assured that she would be a great boon to their ranks, though how and why was never clearly explained...