Sia Finishing my chat with Smough i stand and yell " Deal!!" Twisting around i open my pouch, stretching the opening as far as i can i hoist a barrel up onto the table. Setting it down with a clunk, i pop the cork on the top and tip my flask into it, dropping two Trench berries into it. Ducking under the table and dragging Raia with me i wait for them too settle too the bottom. Several seconds later i poke my head above the edge of the table. "Nobody is dead right? Good." Resealing it i tip it onto its side and roll it acrossed the table, through the light projection and off the table next too Smough. Catching the small box he slides acrossed the table, i hand it too Raia and give her a peck. "Your gonna love this babe." Turning too Shadow, i give him a sharks grin. "Im not paying taxes on this so dont even ask."