[b]Lexianna[/b] They still seem to eye Baruss with contempt. Though he's unfazed, it unsettles me. He can't be blamed for what happened. Like any child, he's not responsible for how he was created. The blame lies with Mystic who is now dead mirroring the tragic souls he stole. It's disrespectful to speak ill of the dead so I should think the book would close on the matter. I turn to watch for his calculated response at Flame's pointed question. It's then that I notice my hand has been making the rounds through Jalen's hair, trying to smooth over the top strands. He doesn't seem to mind my absentminded attention, which is a relief. Still, I place my hand in my lap, noting the glance I get from across the table. I'm sure Jalen and I sitting side by side paint a clear picture for some of them of the Hands. Ironic with Jalen having been one, though only Kar knows it. I don't have to probe their minds to see the question in two pairs of eyes. I'm disappointed with their apprehension over my resemblance but I don't blame them. There's no telling what they must have suffered from the group. I'm distracted from my thoughts when Sia jumps up and slams a barrel on the table. This couldn't have waited until after the meeting? Nonetheless, I can't help but smile at her. Some things never change.