Aspiria, home to rich and wealthy, a city that had been born centuries ago but flourished with each millennium. Technology had advanced and if you were smart you were taken under the Aspirians high borns who ‘nurtured’ your growth, ensured that your contributions and ideas went to the right people. It was considered quite the up and coming city until the rebellion hit a few years back. Hope, that was what they called it stating that they would bring hope to all Aspirians and how they wouldn’t segregate the high borns from the commoners. They considered themselves like a Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give it back to the poor because they believed it was themselves who helped keep the city alive. Not the pampered royals who lived in their castles. The rebellion had changed everything, more and more people were joining their cause and willing to fight against the high borns. Their target was to overthrow the hierarchy and Regis who led the rebellion had entrusted his daughter with a very important mission. To assassinate the heir, he felt with the heir gone it would be easy pickings and give them the push they needed to take over. His daughter had excelled in slipping by unnoticed and he was certain she would be able to slip into their gates, infiltrate them from the inside. Regis had every faith in her being successful whilst he continued his rebellion and recruiting more members for his cause… Standing on the edge of a forest using the trees as cover Iris listened out for any unusual sounds, her heart was racing as it often did when she ventured into what she would call enemy territory. To hunt in these grounds if not a high born held major consequences and she did not want to get caught, but it was also the easiest way to slip inside the inner circle. Her father had one of their members swipe a fine piece of clothing that a high born would often wear to make it easier for her to mingle when inside, the dress however felt like it was constricting her. She much preferred jeans and a top as it was easy to manoeuvre in, but she would stick out like a sore thumb within the inner circle if she opted for comfort. Breathing a soft sigh of relief as she moved in further, she still felt on edge being this far in enemy ground, it was so unfamiliar to her and an area she did not know her way around. Not like where she grew up. Glancing around the forest she couldn’t hear anyone around thankfully. The whole idea of this mission seemed so simple, easy, her father had sold it to her like it would be over and done with in hours, but the doubt began to grow as she was left with her thoughts. [color=f49ac2][i]Fear of failure, that’s all this is. I can do this; they killed my mother. This has to be done…[/i][/color] Biting her lip as she began to question her actions, was she even going the right way? The usual way into the inner circle was through the markets but you had to have an invitation, this was a new rule that had been enlisted the moment the rebellion started. If she was honest with herself, she highly doubted she could even kill someone, gather information was easy but causing harm to another? Shaking her head as she tried to ignore the doubt, she remembered her fathers words, the reason they were doing this. Her mother. [color=2e3192][i]‘Iris, we are hope to these people now. We have started a rebellion and your mother would be proud of you. Don’t you let them take that away from you, don’t let her death become nothing.’[/i][/color] Hope, that was their rebellion that fuelled these fights. The whole idea that there was something better for them than their current life. [color=f49ac2][i]You can do this! Just a little bit further and you'll slip right in, no one will know. You'll be in and out like nothing even happened.[/i][/color]