[color=92278f][/color]As another surge of men and women entered the mess hall, Namai glanced over her shoulder, then broke into a grin, elbowing Tria harshly in the side. "Look... warm bodies." Tria twisted in her seat and stood up slightly, too short to see over all the big dumb heads filling the room. [color=662d91]"Ohhhh... fancy... they don't even have scars yet!"[/color] The big guy sitting next to her frowned down at her tone of voice and looked back at the new recruits making their way to the buffet... "Yeah, well I bet ten bucks that twat right there screams like a girl and pisses his pants when he dies..." Tria laughed and backhanded his bicep. [color=92278f]"Shut up... you love it when girls scream... besides... who says you don't scream like a girl and piss yourself every time YOU die... not like you'd remember." [/color] Tria laughed and slid back down in her seat for a second. "I don't scream like a girl... and I don't piss myself!" His pride was wounded, but Tria just kept that sly smile on her face. [color=92278f] "Sure ya don't Beasty... of course not... your scream is very manly! ........ and you shit yourself."[/color] A roar of laughter erupted from the table and Tria pushed off, standing up with her mostly empty tray. [color=92278f]"It's been fun assholes! But not too fun... I'm going to get some fucking tar and getting out of this place. The zombies'll start piling in soon and I fucking hate catching people up. Toodles motherfuckers!"[/color] She turned to head away and Namai gave her a playful swat on the ass as she passed. She dropped her tray in the clean up pile before heading for the coffee station. What they called coffee in this place was more like a thick caffeinated syrup. Took some getting used to, but definitely gave you the pick-me-up you were looking for if it didn't knock you on your ass first. She weaved her way through the bodies - generally easier than most but she had to watch out for people who didn't even notice her because she was so short. When she got to the table, there was some newbie there, looking confused. [color=92278f]"Here... it's not as hard as it looks... you just grab a cup... stick it here... then up here's your options. First one's black... second one is french vanilla... third one is whatever mystery flavor of the month... Just push..."[/color] A thick stream of liquid began pouring from the machine into the cup that she'd placed on the landing. [color=92278f]"Then the real trick is... until you've got your sea legs... I suggest you stop it like... halfway and either fill up the rest with milk or water... your preference. But otherwise, it might make you sick the way it clings while it goes down." [/color] She took her full cup, not cut with anything like she'd suggested and shrugged at the newbie before taking a sip. [color=92278f]"Up to you though... just don't complain later when you're exploding out both ends."[/color] The newbie's eyes widened with concern and disgust and apparently they decided they didn't want coffee as bad as they thought, because they turned and walked away without a cup. Tria smirked and took another sip, leaning against the wall next to the coffee station and letting her eyes wander the room for a second... there were still faces missing... but respawns could take a day or two depending on how many zombies they needed to make. Must have been a lot of casualties this time.