[b]"I'm not sure about what exactly she does, to be honest. We merely give her a place to settle."[/b] Noir mentioned again. [b]"We do not pry. She tells us what she will and she doesn't really tell us much."[/b] She continued. Before anyone else could do anything, the lights went out in the room. A small scream could be heard from where the nuns were followed by a sigh. Ruruka would feel someone put an arm around her shoulder and drag her slightly and then Kotoki would feel something similar. [b]"Now, now. It's not like I'm keeping you out, I just don't need to let too much information leaking."[/b] A woman's voice said. Kotoki and Ruruka would feel something grabbing their chest slightly. [b]"Ah, not too bad."[/b] Not much longer after, the lights came back on and if everyone followed, they'd notice that there was a woman among them, one that wasn't there before.... And she was... Doing something not exactly kosher to Kotoki and Ruruka. [hider=The Woman][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/201746040/large.png[/img][/hider] [b]"Ah, those came on a lot faster than I expected."[/b] The woman was standing with her arms around the two girls and feeling them up. [b]"Oh, I mean... Howdy! How's everyone today?"[/b] She asked looking around the room. [b]"Thank you all for coming~"[/b] From the doors where the two Sistermon came from originally, another one came through looking out of breath. [b]"Miss Manaka! Don't mess with the server settings like that!"[/b] She complained. [hider=Sistermon Ciel][img]https://wikimon.net/images/5/5b/Sistermon_ciel.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]"Take it easy, Ciel. Not like I'm hurting the server or anything! Hehehe."[/b] The woman, apparently the Manaka that they were all brought here by, teased. Sistermon Noir cleared her throat loudly to get Manaka's attention. [b]"Regardless, perhaps you could stop such acts in a Cathedral."[/b] She requested, pointing at where the woman's hands were. Manaka rolled her eyes and took her hands off the two girls, backing off slightly to prove she wasn't doing "such acts" anymore. [b]"Alright, I can never win against your on that subject Noir."[/b] Manaka added, looking over the group of people. She seemed rather pleased with something. [b]"Well then, welcome to the Cathedral everyone. Temporary base of operations for now until we can make a foothold in EDEN.[/b] She continued. [b]"My name is Manaka. No one probably knows me at all since I tried to keep myself rather secret, but I am the original founder of Jormungundr years ago. A pleasure to meet you all. Now, you may be wondering why I've invited you all here."[/b] She started to say everyone's name and pointing them out in a crowd. [b]"Ruruka, Kotoki, Shion, Issei the lone male here, Harumi and Reiko. I want everyone here to help me. First, to rebuild Jormungundr. Second... to destroy Thor. I can never forgive them for shutting down Jormungundr years ago. You all are aspiring Hackers in some way shape or form and while I'm probably the most experience and most skilled Hacker in all of Japan, even I can't solo the entirety of Thor. So I want your help to erase them from EDEN."[/b] She looked very confident. [b]"Any questions? Concerns? Oh! But, Ruruka, Kotoki, don't worry... B-cups are beautiful in their own right!"[/b]