Shion stifled a laugh. Not that she was exactly well-set in that department to [i]be[/i] laughing. Nonetheless, she turned serious a moment later and was the first to speak out. [color=0072bc]"Sorry, 'Manaka', but I think you have the wrong person. I'm no hacker. I'm not interested in making people's lives harder like they, well, apparently [i]you[/i] do."[/color] Then again, Jormungundr. The legendary creature's name alone nearly made her want to join, though not for its modern name-recognition. [color=fff200]"But it's [i]Jormungundr,[/i] that's like, the sharpest snake ever!"[/color] Zuba replied. [color=ed145b]"Besides, like the Line message said, aren't we enough for you to be considered a hacker? Even when we go out of our way to explain, people still assume..."[/color] [color=0072bc]"..."[/color] Shion didn't have a response for that. [color=0072bc]"I still have my pride as someone who doesn't do evil."[/color] she finally said. [@Pyromania99]