[center][hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smile-of-the-ocean-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190817/b2f0a7743de831d68ef6456a1bc4d281.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AOhxL1w.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h1][color=C979FF][b][u]Fire and Laser Eyes[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [u]January 3, 8:05 AM New York City, New York - Above the Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance Ruins[/u] [hr][/center] She was starting to suspect that perhaps this woman was purposefully trying to distract her from something going on within the laundromat. While she very much doubted that the old woman had any clue who exactly [i]who[/i] she was, it could've been something going on around the building that anybody could notice. With that in mind, Kara let her gaze slowly drift around the laundromat, acting as if she were just a teen halfway paying attention to an old lady prattle on about her son. Though, she quickly found that she couldn't see much of anything suspicious going on in plain sight of the potential patrons. Unfortunate, really, given that the girl very much wanted to be able to do something about the triad right then and there. Though she was soon enough satisfied that perhaps this was simply a kindly old woman, prattling on about her son to other patrons as the elderly seemed rather prone to do. Turning her attention back to their conversation, Kara listened to the woman complain about her son Robert, who had just gone out front to smoke, and how he wanted to move out west. To fry chicken, nonetheless. Granted, Kara felt there was absolutely merit to frying up some chicken. Matter of fact, she might go and get some fried chicken for dinner later. Though her attention was soon stolen by the sounds of a box truck rolling down the street, though it was the sounds coming from inside the truck that really drew her attention. As it seemed that there was a very heated conversation going on within the box truck even as it rolled down the street and came to a stop. Thanks in no small part to her rather enhanced senses, Kara could clearly hear what was being said inside of the truck. The conversation seemed… off color to say the very least as she started to listen in on the men with very thick accents. “... she'll give yer dick rugburn, and that's if the lass would even touch yer dumbass. Now that Sol on the other hand…" "I'm the loon? I'm the loon?! Fer feck's sake Paddy, she'd crush you without even trying!" "If only I could be so lucky…" "Oi cunts!" With that being noted in her mind, Kara decided that she would be paying that particular truck a visit later. Ask them about their ever so [i]pleasant[/i] compliments towards some mystery woman and herself. She was just about to excuse herself from the conversation to do exactly that when she heard the doors on the box truck slam open, quickly followed by the sounds of… rushing air. Then replaced with the roar of a fire, similar to the sounds of missiles being fired off in various different games she so commonly played. Turning towards the source of the sound, Kara’s eyes went wide as the world seemed to move in slow motion. Rockets came racing towards the laundromat, and the girl looked between the few here and knew that she wasn’t fast enough to save any of them. Much less get out of the way herself, seeing as she didn’t know whether or not she was explosion proof in addition to bulletproof. Kara let out a scream of fear as the roar of the rockets slammed into the building, and she felt the impact from the explosive force. Her eyes closed tightly, everything suddenly fell silent and she wondered if she had died and this was some weird ass limbo. Then she felt the cool movements of a gentle breeze against the back of her neck, and her hair moving slightly in said wind. Slowly the girl’s eyes opened, then shot wide as she noticed that the ground was far below her. Not only had she survived the rocket attack, but somehow she was just floating high above the buildings that made up Chinatown. [color=C979FF]”I-I can fly!?”[/color] She demanded, incredulous over the fact that she was somehow able to fly despite being fairly certain she couldn’t do that the day before. The next thing that went through her mind was pure rage, emotions running through high as she spotted the truck starting to pull out. She hated them, hated what they did, and that they dared do that in [i]her[/i] city. In the next moments, her eyes glowed a bright green before a beam of pure solar radiation of the same color shot from her eyes. Tearing clean through the engine of the truck and making it grind to a halt in the following moments. The girl’s eyes went wide as she tried to process what she had just done… [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=C979FF][b][u]The Truth (Part I)[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [u]January 3, 8:05 AM New York City, New York - Above the Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance Ruins[/u] A collab between Blazion and Jasonhero [hr][/center] It was strange, one moment she had been panicking as she noticed the rockets in the back of the truck. Now, she was flying, of all things she could possibly be doing she was flying! Then to make things even stranger, she was staring at the truck far below stopped in the middle of the street. Already the police were hauling the assailants on the laundromat out while other responders tried to put out the fire from the exploded building. The truck, now had a hole in its engine block from lasers she had shot from her damn eyes. The girl stared in surprise as she floated at the top of skyscrapers, trying to understand how she had just done what she did. “Analysis complete. Alias: Sol. New powers logged in the database.” A soft click accompanied the emotionless, mechanical words. Behind Sol hovered a strange sight: a seemingly floating orb of black metal, center to it a lens mimicking an eye. Even stranger, the metal around the eye almost seemed to be teeth, a maw of some sort. While it was nearly silent, to someone of advanced hearing there was a tell tale hum of mechanical parts beneath the metal, which clicked once more as the object continued to ‘speak’. “Please remain where you are if safe until Operative Grim arrives. Failure to do so will result in catastrophic results.” The girl turned around with a wide eyed expression as she stared at the floating orb. Trying to figure out what the hell it was, although she recognized the hero it was talking about, she was still thrown off by the mechanical orb. Floating a little bit closer to the orb, she slowly reached out and grabbed the thing, bringing it closer as she looked at it. “Please do not grab the Grim Sentry.” Instead she tried to slowly lower herself to a rooftop below, and wound up falling rather rapidly. Slamming onto the roof with a loud thud she let go of the orb, hoping it would be able to tell she was cooperating, just moving out of sight of the civilians. The sentry moved back and forth rapidly, almost as though shaking off. Finally however it focused the red glow of its ‘eye’ back on Sol, the humming of its mechanical parts increasing. It spun around upside down once before beginning to patrol along the edge of the roof. [color=crimson]”You fell too quickly. It has to reconfigure.”[/color] The voice came from the sentry despite not being the mechanical one it was using earlier. This one was still calm, cool, but a deeply masculine one. [color=crimson]”Though understandable, considering the lack of disguise.”[/color] From above, a black object streaked across the sky, a somewhat familiar sight to any who resided in New York City. It descended rapidly, a faint whistling accompanying it - and a soft sound of engines as it neared the top of the building. Finally, Grim himself stepped onto the edge of the building, the wolf-faced hero moving forward from prying eyes on the streets below, his own gaze focused solely on the woman before him. [color=crimson]”Sol, is it?”[/color] Kara jumped back a little bit at the oddly familiar, yet masculine voice that suddenly came from the drone, though it took her just a moment to piece together who it was talking to her. [color=C979FF]”Probably comes with the learning to fly thing, I don’t exactly know how to control it.”[/color] She said before hearing the ship come in as she spun towards the sound of the aircraft coming in. Then she heard the footfalls of the hero stepping onto the roof as she turned with a critical gaze. [color=C979FF]”I would say who’s asking, but thats self-explanatory.”[/color] She said quickly, before holding out her hand to shake. [color=C979FF]”I doubt you recognize me, but we’ve met… long ago. I’ve looked up to you my whole life, honestly.”[/color] She said quickly with a small smile. [color=C979FF]”I don’t mean to sound rude, but this isn’t Gotham. Why are you here?”[/color] She asked, a little bit pointed as she wondered why the hero was in her city so suddenly. The stoic mask of Grim stared back cooly, and it took a moment before he raised his hand to take the other hero’s, giving it a firm shake. [color=crimson]”I’m honored,”[/color] He stated plainly, before giving a nod upwards without moving his gaze from her. [color=crimson]”I was headed towards the Justice Station when I was given an alert about the triads my sentries were watching. It was good timing. Yours was better.”[/color] Finally he glanced away from her face to her arm - or more specifically the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing. [color=crimson]”Though I feel it wasn’t intentional. Are you hurt?”[/color] “Scans revealed no injuries.” The sentry behind them beeped, even as it continued its patrol along the edge of the roof. [color=C979FF]”It wasn’t, I was doing laundry and spying on the Triad here when those assholes rolled up and shot rockets at the place. I didn’t know if being bulletproof extended to rockets, but then I was flying.”[/color] She explained sheepishly as she awkwardly rubbed at the back of her neck. [color=C979FF]”And uh… I can apparently shoot lasers from my eyes. I didn’t know that one either.”[/color] She explained with a slight sigh. After a moments she seemed to move away from those awkward thoughts. [color=C979FF]”So, yeah, I don’t exactly know whats going on with me now. Kind of worrying given that I’m out here trying to help people with abilities I never knew about suddenly manifesting. Its kind of scary.”[/color] She said before her eyes went wide as something dawned on her. [color=C979FF]”Oh shit! My costume! It was in the laundry. Thats gone…”[/color] She swore, as she thought about how much it would cost her in order to make a new costume. Thoughts raced across her mind as she stood opposite of Grim, thinking about to fix the situation she was now in. [color=C979FF]”But, thats not important right now. Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Grim?”[/color] She asked the hero, wondering if he came by just to say hi or if he needed something from her. A soft hum came from Grim, thoughtful and low - though the voice distorter made it rumble out as a bit of a growl. He tilted his head, arms crossing as he examined her. [color=crimson]”I merely came due to the potential of large scale injury, as well as to check if this might’ve been an attack that needed aid. My sentries are already on the lookout for others, and those that escaped. I wanted to check on you and the surrounding area.”[/color] He paused then, tilting his head rather like a dog itself. [color=crimson]”Your abilities are just manifesting? Yet you’ve been participating in vigilante work for…”[/color] He trailed off, seemingly thinking as behind the mask information flashed across Zoey’s visor. Where had she heard this name before? [color=crimson]”Six months according to earliest reports. You’ve been quite successful. As well as on… Instagram, Miss Palmer?”[/color] [color=C979FF]”Oh God please tell me you didn’t look through that.”[/color] [color=crimson]”I have a program to do so, though I manually compared your license to your face now to confirm it. Is there a pro- is that me?”[/color] It was almost easy to have Alfred take the visuals both from the sentry and Grim’s own visor and run it through a facial recognition program, narrowed down to the area around them. Considering Kara Palmer’s very large online presence, it made it even easier. Out of a morbid curiosity, a whispered command had Alfred looking for what Sol might be wary of - presenting two options. One was a Grim cosplay. The other was a far less dressed Grim cosplay. [color=crimson]”I…”[/color] Grim trailed off, speechless. [color=crimson]”... Good detailing?”[/color] The girl’s face was a bit pale until the Justice League member asked if that was him, followed by the speechless part of it all. Then her face turned a bright red as she looked away. [color=C979FF]”Oh God just kill me.”[/color] She muttered to herself as she suddenly became very interested in everything except Grim. Then turning back towards the hero, she felt an explanation was owed to the man over what he had likely just found. [color=C979FF]”Look, I model and do cosplay modeling for a living. The first one on there is a passion project and so it looks similar to you. Because you saved me and I look up to you. The second was another cosplayer was doing a sexy cosplay of Mr. Champion, and she wanted me to do one of you with her. The shoot paid for like, three months of rent so it was super nice and I never knew I would meet you!”[/color] She said, getting more flustered and embarrassed as she talked, and her words speeding up as she did. [color=C979FF]”I’m so sorry!”[/color] She said, absolutely paralyzed with fear she had insulted the hero. All at once, something clicked in Grim’s mind. It had been years ago, hadn’t it? A decade, in fact, shortly after the start of that dreadful Halloween and before Grim had committed himself fully to finding the cure for the children that … had been able to make it. A child, scared and alone during Grim’s frantic attempts at scouring as many cities as she could find. Thankfully, the mask kept Zoey’s surprise hidden, as well as how her normally sharp gaze softened. It was the fear that reminded her, now stark across Kara’s face, and what also prompted Grim to raise his hand and rest on the shorter woman’s shoulder. [color=crimson]”It’s alright,”[/color] Grim rumbled, patting her a touch awkwardly. [color=crimson]”I’m glad that I could help you, both back then as well as now. Even if it’s rather unconventional.”[/color] [color=C979FF]”I uh… I won't do it again!"[/color] She replied quickly before something else seemed to slowly click in her mind. [color=C979FF]”Hey wait, you said back then, did you remember when you saved me before?"[/color] She asked, her attention stolen as she zeroed in on that simple fact, wondering if her hero had remembered her from back on that terrible night. [color=crimson]”Yes,”[/color] was the simple response, accompanied by a small nod. [color=crimson]”I’m glad you have grown up so well, Kara.”[/color] [color=C979FF]”Uhm… thanks! Although I don't know if I can call it well given that I've got new powers popping up out of nowhere and I don't understand how anymore."[/color] She admitted sheepishly, giving Grim a sort of sideways look as if asking him for help figuring out what the hell was going on with her. The Gotham hero inclined his head in acknowledgement, making another soft, distorted hum. [color=crimson]”That would be problematic. Not to mention unusual. Powers can often evolve, but yours has a broad range that doesn’t seem to branch off each other. How in control are you of your strength? And you’re not sure of the range of how much damage you can take?”[/color] He began to circle Sol, examining her from behind that mask. With a gesture the earlier sentry came over, beginning to scan as well. [color=crimson]”Are you opposed to blood samples?”[/color] [color=C979FF]”"Good luck breaking the skin, bullets don't even break it anymore. Otherwise I can deal with it. As for my strength, I think I'm pretty in control. I can throw around cara but also can dial it back and shake your hand. I trained alot to control my strength so I don't kill somebody."[/color] She explained calmly, trying to think of what else might be relevant. [color=C979FF]”I'm also really fast, and can see and sense stuff super far away. Oh! As well as X-ray vision!"[/color] [color=crimson]”X-Ray vision?”[/color] Grim parroted back. Beneath the helmet, Zoey’s eyebrows furrowed as she considered the list of powers being listed. Strength. Speed. Senses. X-ray. Flight. Laser eyes. That was … a very familiar list. Yet it was hard to come to a certain conclusion, considering what that would entail. Kara was definitely younger than Champion. It must’ve been a coincidence, and yet what kind of person would she be if she didn’t look at it from every angle? Besides, at worst it was a little wasted kryptonite. [color=crimson]”Alfred, have one of the sentries bring me my medical kit for Champion.”[/color] The sentence wasn’t broadcast through the voice modifier, instead hidden within the confines of the helmet. Yet outwards to Sol, Grim brought her left arm up and turned it, a compartment opening on the inside. From it he retrieved a small needle, offering it up. [color=crimson]”May I try for a sample?”[/color] The girl nodded after a few moments at Grim's response, holding up her arm. Although she honestly did not know what to expect since Grim always seemed to have a gadget for something on her. Yet at the same time, Sol knew her own abilities and doubted that any sort of needle was going to do anything like piercing her skin. At the very least, she'd get an I told you so moment on a superhero, which was pretty cool all things considered. As soon as the nod was given Grim moved forward, while behind him the sentry floated up and began to go towards the edge of the building. The Gotham hero paid it no mind, carefully checking for a vein on Sol’s arm. After a moment he retrieved a small alcohol wipe from his suit and carefully cleaned away any debris leftover from the rockets, just in case. Yet, as expected, when he went to press the needle in it merely skidded along the skin, as though it were completely solid. Another jab, harder, only bent the sharp tip. [color=crimson]”Interesting,”[/color] Grim intoned, before holding the needle to the side. As the sentry came puttering back with an object in its mouth the hero dropped the syringe, which was swallowed by a hole opening in the back of the sentry. Taking the small box adorned with The Champion’s sigil he rested it on top of the sentry, opening it to retrieve another needle, though this one had a faint green sheen to it. [color=crimson]”Let’s try that again.”[/color] Kara simply shrugged in response to the needle getting bent against her skin. [color=C979FF]”Told ya so."[/color] She said immediately towards the hero, even as he pulled out that new box that the sentry brought up. Though her gaze did lock in on the symbol, which she immediately knew what it meant. [color=C979FF]”Hey wait, why's that box got Champion's symb-"[/color] She said before stumbling as the green needle was exposed. In a mere moment, Kara's stance had gone unsteady as she moved to sit on the ground. [color=C979FF]”I-I think flying isn't agreeing. Or the eye lasers. I'm lightheaded now."[/color] [color=crimson]”Fuck,”[/color] Grim swore low, eyes swivelling between Kara and the needle. It was a very small amount, just enough to pierce Champ’s skin when he needed a blood draw - especially since she didn’t have an infinite amount of the stuff laying around. After a moment, rather than risk making the woman sick with the needle, Grim kneeled down beside Kara, taking a moment to rub her back reassuringly. [color=crimson]”It’s alright, just one more moment and I might have the solution…”[/color] Withdrawing his hand, Grim drew one of the titanium blades out of his suit. With a gentle motion he pressed the tip of the blade to Kara’s skin, keeping the kryptonite nearby in his other hand. When the blade sunk in he was quick to withdraw it, merely staring at the small bead of blood gathering on the previously indestructible skin. [color=crimson]”...[i]Fuck.[/i]”[/color] Sol was to busy focusing on the way she suddenly felt so unstable and wondered if it had been one of the new abilities causing it to really piece together the cause, or what was happening. She was aware of something cold, then a sharp pain as something pierced her skin. She yelped out slightly, recoiling a little as her head swam and she looked at Grim with concern at hero’s cursing. A confused look clear upon her features as she hoped that wasn’t something really bad. [color=C979FF]”Is something wrong? A-am I dying?”[/color] She asked the hero, her heart now beating just a little bit faster in fear of what came next. [color=crimson]”Well, it should be [i]impossible[/i] but-”[/color] Grim’s deep voice cut off as he glanced up to Kara, seeing that fear once more streaked across her face. For a moment, her face swam in his vision, replaced by a younger one streaked with tears. [color=crimson]”I… no, you’re fine Kara. It’s my fault you feel like this.”[/color] The Grim Sentry came closer, allowing the suited hero to drop the syringe back inside before it puttered off. [color=crimson]”I apologize. You will feel better in a few moments, just let it wear off.”[/color] While taking the time to rub the woman’s back, the Gotham hero couldn’t help but mull over what was just revealed. Zoey doubted that Captain Canuck, wherever he was, knew of Kara’s existence - or what it implied. What [i]did[/i] it imply? [color=crimson]”... and I can replace your costume. It needs to be fireproof anyway.”[/color] Slowly things started to click together as Grim admitted it was his fault, and the similarities in her abilities to another. Then the box that had Champion's symbol on it, and how the needle she had produced made her skin able to be pierced. As the sickness faded, her eyes seemed to spark slightly as she stared at Grim. [color=C979FF]”I-I'm like him. The Champion. Aren't I?"[/color] She asked, a theory slowly forming in her mind. [color=crimson]”Potentially,”[/color] Was the rumbled response, accompanied by a short nod. [color=crimson]”It should theoretically be impossible, yet all signs are pointing to yes.”[/color] The Grim Sentry returned, and it took only a moment to take the offered cotton and bandage, pressing the former against the bead of blood for a few moments before applying the bandage. The bandage had a little Grim icon on it. [color=C979FF]”How is it impossible? I mean if he made it here what's saying that I couldn't be from the same place?"[/color] She asked, her now piqued interest on the subject getting the better of her. As she might finally have an explanation for suddenly developing new super powers that had been missing for most of her life. Especially with how similar they were to another popular hero's own abilities. She wanted to know if it was true, the theory forming in the back of her mind. [color=crimson]”It’s not my place to tell.”[/color] With that, Grim stood once more, offering his hand. [color=crimson]”Now come. My AI let me know a news helicopter is incoming - I have to contact Champion, and you need to go clean up.”[/color] He glanced away, towards the smoke still billowing up from the nearby laundromat. [color=crimson]”... Do you need money for clothes?”[/color] [color=C979FF]”No, I don't need any. I've got clothes at home. But uh… do we need to run more tests? And uhm… how long should it be for my new costume? I don't have the money for that."[/color] She said quickly, half way wondering if she should follow along after the hero. [color=C979FF]”Also would you be able to give me a ride? I kinda don't know how to fly well and I can't be seen like this, people might find out…"[/color] [color=crimson]”Of course.”[/color] For a long moment, Grim was quiet, presumably waiting as the jet came to them. In truth, Zoey was contemplating Duncan’s reaction to being called for his assistance. [i]Again.[/i] It has been a popular couple days for the two Justice Leaguers. This year was cursed. [color=crimson]”Miss Palmer,”[/color] Grim smoothly commented, even as the near silent jet came close, the hatch opening to the two. In truth, what he was about to suggest wasn’t the best idea - Zoey hated strangers in her base. Yet what else could contain a Kryptonian if pressed? [color=crimson]”Have you ever wanted to see the Justice Station?”[/color]