[b]Castellum Steel Legion of Arcana[/b] The road to the fortress-city was bustling with traffic in and out. To enter Arcana from the rich mercantile lands of the South, one had to pass through the Castellum, one of the oldest fortresses in Takani history and the largest. The former abode of the Arcanan Warwizards of old was now the shield and the breadbasket of the Ecumen. Its walls ran as far as the eye could see and loomed over the countryside like a mountain. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, another small group of cloaked travellers aroused no interest or suspicion. The riders approached the formidable gatehouse, a castle in its own right, and when their turn for inspection came the lead figure spoke, "I request an audience with the Grand Marshall." The figure removed his glove and showed a flash of a crystalline orium ring stamped with the entwined dragon and fairy sigil of House Pendragon, the Sovereign Family of Arcana. The figure leaned forward to the guard and slipped him a few gold coins, "And please keep it discrete." The guard gave a nod and signaled the men at the otherside to raise the gates. Two armored sentries then escorted the group deeper into the castle of the Grand Marshall. Like the ring of forticications, the castle also had thick stone walls and tall towers that can see in all directions. Being the center of power in the Castellum, this place was nicknamed "Palace of Violets" from the amount of purple used in the artworks that was painted on the walls and ceiling. The banners of the Steel Legions flew high in the breeze as their tails flapped around. After getting past the first layer of walls, the group ha entered the courtyards. The sight of armored knights on guard has been replaced with debutantes, female servants, and young ladies-in-waiting. They were everywhere: sitting next to fountains, walking around the rose bushes, gossiping in the pavilion undner the shades or wandering the corridors. Some were visibly pregnate yet all were wearing brightly colored dresses. They were too busying entertaining themselves to notice the group walking past. After the courtyards they headed up several flights of stairs before walking towards a set of doors flank by two knights. The company's escorts went away and one of the guards knocked on the heavy wood to announce a visitor before opening it to the cloaked men. Inside, there was a meeting between the Grand Marhal and her cabinet of generals, castellans, and stewards discussing matters of state before eyes turned towards the guests. The Grand Marshall wasn't in her usual battle armor but instead in a red gown just like the ladies in the courtyards but with golden embroidery that made the dres all the more exquisite. The deity's purple hair contrasts well with the red and gold. Her bright violet eyes looked at the cloaked men with mild confusion. "My Lords, is there an emergency?" The leader of the group threw back their hood, revealing a young, comely visage. The man looked no older than twenty but had the bearing of a veteran twice his age with keen, calculating eyes and a scar tracing his right cheekbone. His blonde hair was cropped short and his icy blue eyes took the measure of everyone in the room quickly. Ser Daemon the Black, bastard son of the late king Hector and older brother to the Prince of Avalon inclined his head respectfully to the Grand Marshall, "Lady Bellona. My sincere regards. It has been some time." His companions all shed their hoods as well, revealing well-known young lords and knights of the Magi Orders. Daemon came forward to shake Bellona's hand and said, "I come to you in the spirit of friendship and with a proposition. My lords, my lady, I come to you and say I seek glory. Honor. Riches. War." The council looked at one another quizzingly. "War?" Castellian Markus of the North division of Castellum. He wore a dark green vest with copper buttons that twinkled in the light as his face looked left and right. "Now?" "Calm down, Markus." Bellona shushed, motioning her hand down. "Ser Damon, pardon my castellian. He is shocked that our meeting has been postponed by your proposal. Please enlighten us." Daemon smiled, "Gladly." He pulled his cloak to the side and raised his hands as he walked among the lords of the Castellum, speaking with verve and conviction, "Arcana is one of the most enlightened realms that the world has ever seen, this we all know to be true. Our peoples enjoy peace and plenty that few across the world do, and we shepherd freedom and justice in a manner that no other government on this continent even cares to. Arcana, thanks in no small part to you noble warriors of the Steel Legion, is the greatest land. But we represent only a small portion of this world. The empires of the west choke Takanis with their excess and cruelty, grinding down countless lives with their malice and tyranny. Horrors afflict the continent every generation due to their barbarism and avarice. Arcana's light shines brightly, but the rest of the world is enshrouded in blackest night." The young knight turned stern then, "And now this night threatens our own security. Drakon, that most perfidious of graspers, encroaches on us more and more by the day. Their ships skirmish with ours, their spies steal from our scholars and visionaries, their assassins murder and brutalize our officials. They wage insidious economic war. They will not rest until our trading system is theirs to control and all of our knowledge is theirs. And all the while they spread the vile evil of slavery." Daemon spit on the ground then, Arcana having long abolished the practice generations ago, "Arcanan sailors set upon by pirates are sold in Drakonese slave markets. And not just seamen but doctors, priests, poets. Men, women, and children of our homeland toil in bondage in the name of coin. Drakon builds their fleet, amasses its armies, sinks their spies and bribes into every nation. And we think they will remain idle? Content with being just one of the richest traders in the world? No, no they will come for us my lords. While I was riding here a ship filled with priests, nuns, and novices of the Church was taken by corsairs. By nightfall they will be Drakonese slaves. Even now they undermine the integrity of our institutions, corrupt our integrity to enrich themselves. And what does the Magisterium do? What does the the Council of Regents do? What does the Circle of Magi do? Nothing." "Grand Marshall, my lords. I say we do something. The time has come for us to put an end to Drakon's evil and save our people from their greed and envy." Another young man stepped forward, one with the seagreen hair and wispy white eyes that bespoke his heritage as one of the Mer from the settlements in the Cerulean Islands, "I have made common cause with the First Sea Lord. A thousand ships are ready to set sail. The Nemesis is with me, and with her a vast network of contacts and informants within Drakon itself. Soon, even Drakon's own greedy mercenary captains will be with me. The courageous young wizard-knights of my generation stand with me. Do you stand with me? For glory, for honor, for justice, for freedom, for our people? What say you men of the Steel Legion? Will you ride with me?" Daemon's voice had grown steadily greater and stronger in tone, his gaze more and more firm, until he was nearly shouting in the chamber with the passion of a priest and the mastery of a politician, all steeled by the conviction of a warrior. The council looked at one another as they internalling debated on his ambition. Bellona seem to speak their thoughts. "This is a bold move on your part. Drakon has the men and magic to match our strength and even if we do manage to breakthough their armies, Drakon itelf is a fortress-city." "It could withstand a siege for many years, my lord." General Horvath chipped in. His gray mustache fidgeting on his lip. "If they're of silver tongue, there's no telling how quickly we can find new enemies attempting to relieve them." Daemon only smiled in reply, "They won't get the chance. With our navy encircling their city, they will have no chance to send out aid. No army can cross their barren desert easily and no fleet on this side of the earth can match even one Arcanan armada. They will retreat inside their walls, thinking that they are safe. But they will be wrong. No aid will come, I have the means to disrupt and disable their vaunted mirror communication system. For Arcana's wizards are more than a match for their pitiful spellcasters. Our men are loyal and convicted of purpose. Their men follow only coin. Already I have many on my side. When the situation turns against Drakon, her practical minded mercenary captains will abandon her in droves. They may match us in numbers, we overpower them in courage and honor. Furthermore, this will be no siege. I have agents who will ensure the gates will be opened to us and their ability to resist will be crippled. This will be no long, protracted game of waiting. We will storm them when they least expect it and put an end to them. Once we are inside, they will be lost. Their gates may be made of stone and metal but the men holding the keys are easily corrupted." Daemon unfurled roll of parchment and passed it to the nearest Castellum officer who would see schematics and detailed layouts of Drakon's fortifications as well as secret routes and battle plans. "They've already lost, they just don't know it yet." "He's right." General Klefford agreed. "We have to strike hard and fast in order to prevent them from furthering their defenses." "Enough." Bellona silenced her generals, "We'll discuss strategy later." She turned towards the bastard knight. "I'll call the banners. I assume you have a proper provocation for a war this sudden?" Daemon unfurled another message and showed it to them all, "This was intercepted by our own spies. A communication from one of Drakon's vaunted assassin guilds. They do not note their benefactor, but identify a codename for one of their agents and their target. The assassin was captured by our Nemesis ally and put to question. She confirms our suspicions." He lets the moment grow. "King Hector, that wise and just leader, my father was killed by a Drakonese cutthroat. Your Sovereign, murdered by a foreign assassin to make slavemasters grow even richer and fatter." Daemon ripped off his glove and drew his sword, slashing his palm with the blade and displaying it to them. He was proclaiming a blood oath on Drakon, his conviction to not rest until his revenge was satisfied. "I will not stand for it. Will you stand for it? Or will we ride and send them all to hell?" Everyone looked to the Grand Marshal. She is the Steel Legion and the Steel Legion is her. Finally, she spoke. "We'll ride. When do we start?" Daemon nodded grimly, "The ships are already gathering at the coast. Muster your men and we will sail immediately. We can plan the assault on my flagship. But I think it best that we address your men Lady Bellona. Let us put fire in their bellies before we loose them on Drakon." "I admire your ethusiasium, Ser Daemon." Bellona replied as she dimissed her council to start gathering the Steel Legion. "But that won't be necessary. The Steel Legion have been too idle after all. But other than war, are there other things you have come here for?" Daemon nodded to his own companions, who filed out of the room to leave the two of them in privacy. "Yes. You are the shield that guards our Ecumen. Arcana's security is ensured by the Steel Legion. But you are also one of the oldest, most vaunted denizens of the realm. Less than a handful of wizards can claim to be your peer. When we return to Arcana I intend to have a Triumph. And I intend to claim my father's sword and his throne. I will make my claim as Sovereign. Your support will be essential, my lady. Will I have it?" "Ser Daemon, you mustn't forget. You're still your father's bastard child. I won't deny that." the deity frowned. "Under traditional law, only the true heir can inherit Arcana's throne. Unless you can convince your younger brother to legitimize you, you have no claim even with the Steel Legion. The laws of inheritance and of Arcana must be honored in order to be justly." The black knight crossed his arms and replied, "I am aware of the succession laws. I have numerous cousins ahead of me. But I am older than that boy Ciaran, he is not a man under Arcanan law. Not for two more years. My uncle and my stepmother are unequal to the task of protecting us from our enemies in the meantime. But when we return in glory, the Regents and the Magisterium will have no choice but to grant me my father's name. With that, I will be first in succession. And even if I do not, there is a law older than any code. Older even than you my lady. If I draw the sword from the stone, then I will be king. Any of royal blood have the right to attempt it. If I avenge my father, the gods will smile on me. And the Star Throne will be mine. Will you object then my lady?" "I cannot." The Grand Marshal answered. "If war goes well, I'll see that your words become true. Either as your witness of your glory or of you drawing the sword from the stone." "Let us be comrades then, for the blood we share from the heavens. Let us avenge our nation and thrust her to the greatness she deserves. Let us shake the world and rebuild it anew." Daemon reached his hand out to grasp Bellona's arm, signifying their alliance and bond as comrades-in-arms. [i]Oh, Father[/i], Belluna thought to herself as he grabbed her arm, [i]He's one of those claimants.[/i]