Lucien held back a shudder at the expression Faolan showed him. He was angry, that was clear. That expression was all it took for him to know that it didn't matter what he said to him. The man was coming. He let out a small sigh, though he couldn't deny that he was relieved he wasn't going into it alone. While he knew they couldn't physically hurt him, he wasn't sure whether he'd be able to get his things back based on that alone. The nephilim simply followed closely behind Faolan as he made his way down the hall, further below deck to another area of rooms. He wondered how he even knew where they were, but he didn't question it. He was anxious to find them quickly. He didn't take them as the type of men who would be careful with something that important. As they neared a larger room at the end of the hall, probably meant to accommodate more people, he could hear the loud laughing of men, a few of which he recognized. Faolan hadn't wasted even a second in kicking the door open. There was a moment of surprise from the men, but Lucien's eyes quickly scanned the room. The man who had started the trouble to begin with held his pouch of coin in his hand, having previously been tossing it up and down in his hands. That was the less important of the two things he had lost. [b]"Aye what the bloody hell? Thought we taught the two a ye a less'n."[/b] The man with the pouch spoke up. [b]"Ye didn't hit the frog hard enough if he's still goin round' like that."[/b] Another man spoke up, smacking the one next to him upside the head. That one was the one whose nose Faolan had broken, and around his neck lay the same relic he was looking for. Lucien hadn't hesitated to step forward, fists clenched. It was the angriest the nephilim had ever felt. [color=burlywood]"Give it back."[/color] He demanded.