The following day, Victoria awoke slowly in her bed. She felt very dizzy and light headed. She had no idea where she was or what happened. One moment she was pleading with Lord Spencer, the next she was on the floor and then woke up here. She felt naked benath the covers. This alarmed her. What had he done to her? She attempted to lea up but felt too weak. She tried to move her arms, one was free to move, the other, tugged painfully on something sticking out of her elbow crease. She managed to lift her head a little to see her arm had been hooked up to a needle and coming out of that needle was a tube. A tube filled with her blood. She was being drained slowly. She turned her head gently on the pillow and saw the tube was being poured into a jar. It looked like two pints or so full, she couldn’t really guess accurately. She sighed as she must have had more than the normal amount of blood donation, otherwise why would she be so energy less? Victoria had very dark circles under her eyes and a very pale complexion. All colour had drained from her face. She tried to call out to her mother but only a croak came from her lips. She was too weak to even speak. Outside her room she could hear muffled voices talking to one another. “How could you let him do this to her?” Ray’s voice sounded irritated. “He only wants to take enough so she doesn’t die. She will recover in no time. And she is doing us all a service keeping us [i]all alive[/i] by allowing this.” Gerald’s voice replied. She couldn’t even clench her hand it felt so weak. She could only lay there and contemplate this predicament. All she could think about was Vail. Living if only to ever see him one more time. No doubt it was discovered that there were other bite scars on her abdomen and the fresher bite on her bust. She was surely in trouble and she had to think her way out of this. But why was so much blood being taken from her like this? She didn’t understand what was going on. She drifted in and out of consciousness now and then. One moment she opened her eyes and her mother was sat over her, telling her to rest, that it was all okay. The next minute she opened her eyes to Ray looking over her with concern as he checked in on her, no doubt making sure she wasn’t dead. It was soon nightfall again. Candlelight filled her room as well as the fire. Then it was Spencer’s turn to sit at her bedside and watch her while she slept. She opened her eyes and gasped as she saw him leering over her. She flinched but was still too weak to move much. She shifted underneath the covers. “..Wha…what did you-..” “You mean why am I taking your blood?” He asked as she nodded. He sat back and crossed his suited legs. “You see my dear. You are mine. Not his. Your blood is for me and my family only. You see, instead of feasting on the flesh like a common animal like your Lord Hygrace…we prefer to enjoy the finer things in life. Your blood will be refined and added to each glass of wine, to be enjoyed like a fine wine, because your blood is so very fine indeed, it should not be spoiled. As for your body…” he leaned in to her. “That should be left unmarked, unscarred, unspoiled so that I may enjoy it. I did want to wait until our wedding night to savour you, but seeing as you can’t seem to stay away from that other ingrate, I will have to claim what is mine now.” He feigned a disappointed expression. He removed the bedcover to reveal her body to him. She felt so cold without it, she shivered, but she was also scared of what he was going to do to her. His lips pressed against hers as she clenched her fist and shut her eyes, wishing for it to be over quickly. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him off. As he unlatched her mouth, she coughed as if she were going to be sick. “You..make….my skin..crawl.” She rasped at him with a deathly glare. Christopher didn’t like what he heard and he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them down, not that he needed to. “I [i]will[/i] have you and you [i]will[/i] like it!” “No!” She managed to scrape a scream together. She desperately tried to fend him off with as little strength she could but could only scream.