Right, I'm going to step in before this gets ugly and we get a lengthy argument on our hands. Firstly, I'm not entirely opposed to small bands of "robotic holdouts". That being said, whilst I think the concept is neat, there are some issues I've noticed. As others said, I believe you're misreading the setting. When I mean Steampunk/Dieselpunk/whatever, I mean things like Iron Harvest, Last Exile, and maybe Resistance (minus the alien tech) or Wolfenstein (before it gets technologically-crazy with Panzerhunds and so on) in a Fallout-like setting. Yes, I did mention that technology continued to develop so that both sides could "make the other bastard die for his" country, but it isn't Sci-fi-like technology; it still has a slight 1920/1940s flair to it. For examples, see below for "titan machines" (alternatively you could just look at anything in Jakub Rozalski's 1920+ world). [hider=My Hider] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/332/454/large/jakub-rozalski-der-werwolf-1920-ihs.jpg?1505398201[/img] [img]http://www.heavymetal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/jakub-rozalski-1920-scythe-finall-27art.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.e8-6F8BCzlRKXJwVSLPpTgHaES&pid=Api&rs=1[/img] [/hider] Having said that, as [@Gunther] pointed out, technology such as this is rare and hardly seen, being largely wiped out in the destruction of the world as it had been known. Most people generally have makeshift weapons or some reminiscent of the past, such as a Kar 98k or a M1 Carbine. The advanced marvels of war are mostly myth and legend by now, especially given how difficult it would be to keep them maintained in an "end of the world" scenario. Anyway, back to the faction itself. As I said, I have several issues with it, with many questions that are largely left unanswered by the faction description. What exactly is the AMC? Their origin is rather vague. Were they a military company awarded a contract to build weaponry, or in this case, "robotics"? Why did their creators implement an automation protocol? It doesn't make any sense to me, especially given that we don't have any knowledge as to why this company is important other than "they would've won if the world hadn't ended", which is already vague enough. Also, if they were solely designed for combat, how exactly are they supposedly rebuilding/building more robots and factories for them? I'm going to have to say no again. [@ClatterCake] That's fine, I have some things that I'll have to attend to later today myself.