Ray heard the screams coming from Lady Crest’s room. He practically kicked down the door to get to her. He had his guns drawn and as he entered, he saw Lord Spencer about to take advantage of the weakened woman. “Spencer stop it!” He aimed his gun at the vampire, his glare meant business, he wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger and end the Lord right here, spurring the fury of the Wynter clan. Spencer looked over at Ray with blood red eyes, Victoria was frozen in fear beneath him, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. Spencer looked like he was about to leap at the Saint, Ray squeezed lightly on the trigger button of the pistol. If Gerald found this, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill him now. He had put up with him far too long, throwing his weight around. Spencer growled in a feral rage, fangs fully extended and bared at the Saint ready to strike. A human had gotten in the way of his pray. He was not pleased. Spencer could rip the entire Order to shreds right now but he knew they could whisk Victoria away somewhere he’d never find her. He contemplated the risk versus the cost. Ray also had a silver bullet that could pierce his heart no matter how fast he was. He slowly let go of the heiress and calmed himself. He refused to believe he was lowlife vampire feral scum who gave into their emotions. He was smarter than that. He retracted his fangs and got off the girl. He wiped the saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth and glanced at his prey. She shakily grabbed the cover and pulled it over herself to hide her naked form from sight. The adrenaline helped her to gain some energy. Spencer straightened his jacket. He knew this wasn’t the way to seduce her. Not with anger. He would have to paralyse her with his pheromones when she was a little stronger to hold herself up otherwise she’d only be like a floppy puppet. He sighed and nodded to Ray, composing himself. He didn’t apologise for what he tried to do, he merely stormed out of the room. As he left, Ray kept his gun on him at all times until he left the landing entirely. He then rushed to Victoria’s side. “Are you hurt?” He asked her, she managed to shake her head. She whimpered as her lip quivered. It wasn’t the fact Spencer hit her and threw her across the room, nor that he was draining her blood. It was the fact he had tried to force himself upon her. It was the most unpleasant experience. Ray shushed her from whimpering, which turned into sobbing. He sighed and looked around, he didn’t know how to handle the emotional woman and so gingerly took her in his arms and cradled her. She cried into his chest as he rocked her gently. She only wished it were Vail comforting her instead.