Sarah watched the interaction with Rapier and the ranger. She smiled amused when Regan launched her pokemon. It showed her the bond between them. The ranger was quickly rising in her esteem and seemed to be an enjoyable travel partner. She enjoyed being out and walking in the nature. Rapier was flying ahead now and Sarah nodded when Regan suggested to follow him. Regan started talking and Sarah glanced in her direction a few times. Her lips curled up in an amused smile when the last question was asked. "What path?" Sarah looked downwards. "This one I'd say." Sarah grinned before she looked ahead again. "I'm not a typical trainer no. Even though I did walk that path briefly. I even picked up a pokemon in the lab Kanto and did two gyms there. But I am a student now. I study to become a pokemon researcher." Sarah paused. "I love pokemon and I realised that there is still so much to discover, so much we don't know. And I want to part of that." She looked at the other female again. "What made you decide to become a ranger?"