[h3][color=aba000][b]Elthrael Vol'Kerno[/b][/color][/h3] [color=fff79a][i]Time: Dawn Location: Heart of the forest[/i][/color] The golden eyed fairy turned his gaze over to Elsea, his face not displaying worry nor stress. For a few moments he thought of the reasons for his family's exile and all that involved, yet that story would not be fitting for a time such as this. Thus the fairy decided to cut it as short as possible. He calmly answered the question to which Elsea had asked him. [b][color=aba000]"I exist. Whereof the full story is for another point in time."[/color][/b] He said in a dramatic tone of voice, his arms spreading and his wings stretching out, before his face changed into him smirking. [b][color=aba000]"We are alike you and I. People fear that which they cannot understand and those who are different from the rest. Not all dance after the faun and his tones, some refuse to allow such melodies to lead them astray."[/color][/b] Elthrael said in a tone of voice which would imply that he considered Elsea to be an exception, as he went up and placed his left hand under her chin. [color=aba000][b]"Like the brands of sweet poison served in many inns, music and stories can also inflict harm to the mind. Especially during a time of grief and hopelessness, where people would rather hear a lie and believe in it. Why change the real world, when you can drown your worries and fears in an illusion?"[/b][/color] The fairy began to softly laugh and allowed his hand to withdraw, as he looked up to the sky. [b][color=aba000]"Though I do think there will be an awakening. Question is how many are going to snap out of their dreams and do what is needed... well you won't settle for scraps when you can have so much more, isn't that right, Elsea?"[/color][/b] The fairy offered a more friendly smile, holding out his hand towards her, indicating that he was about to lift off and fly. Hoping that she would indeed join him. [b][color=aba000]"On swift wings, to the kingdom of the rivers we've ought to go..."[/color][/b] He said softly, waiting for Elsea. There were safety in numbers, the exiled fairy was not arguing against it, despite his own way of living in seclusion. Especially if you were a human chased by the lich king and his minions, there were ofcourse always those around who would oppose his rule, albeit finding them was usually the trickiest part. For those whom openly opposed him were sought out and executed or put away, or fates worse than both of those. Elthrael had felt not as much of the lich king's rule as he was in an area where his servants seldom paid visit. And ofcourse there was also the thrill in fighting the creature which was threatening the balance of the world and nature itself with his dark magic and tainted soul, he was an abomination meant to be destroyed. While Elthrael was not fond of dark elves, demons and orcs, he saw no reason for killing them all off. For they were equally to blame for what happened with his family and himself, as much as the fairies which saw them exiled. The other races were guilty of inaction, a crime on equal grounds as the former. What Avalia needed was a change in power, Elthrael had long considered an attempt to seize the throne himself. But it requires more than raw skill and power to rule, it requires followers and means to support them. Much like how nature support all beings with food and water. Regardless if they were good or evil. Elthrael had spent a long time pondering on the concepts of good and evil. He came to the conclusion that each being may deem the other as evil from it's point of view. But ultimately those who'd thrive and enjoy causing others overly much suffering, were indeed doing evil acts. Such as killing without a purpose other than a lust for wanting to do it. To torture beings to satisfy ones own wickedness. Now this were evils meant to be exterminated when met. On the other hand Elthrael did approve of slavery, it was how nature itself were. That some would rule over the other, that is was in fact a way to keep order. But Aklenroth's order was just an illusion, it was a farce. For chaos were all around. Some beings would find comfort in being domineered over, as long as it did not cause them unnecessary suffering, other than the suffering they would go through whilst serving their master. In that sense he did not oppose everything about the dark elven way of living, or that of the orcs. It was the fact they had more or less caused a big inbalance in the world, and plunge it into chaos by supporting the tyrant king. Now that was the issue. An issue which would have to be straightened out. Immediately.