Gaul shifts forward in his seat. [i]A barrel of booze with trenchberries? What kind of deal did they just make?[/i] He had noticed bits of the pirate code flying back and forth, but hadn't been paying enough attention to keep track of the conversation. He'd been mulling over the prospect of Valkyrie. "I'm glad that the efforts of Flame, Blaze, and myself have been noticed. The bloodmen were an...interesting diversion from our objective, but they were handled easily enough. I killed their chieftain with my own hands, so I'm fairly certain that they'll be more amenable to my influence if they are anything like the early ancestors of my people." Gaul leans back slightly in his chair, and continues. "Valkyrie is my problem to deal with. Leave her to me." He gestures pointedly in the direction of Blaze and Flame. "These two should go with whomever this Council decides will head for the mainland to investigate the Commander. Sia, I believe, is rather fixated on staying with Rider, and should continue to do so for the time being." He turns to each of the group one by one, "That is, of course, if you all agree with me. Especially you, Lexianna. You are our leader, after all." Gaul stands up and takes a quick glance around the table. "Now I believe there's been some alcohol passed across this table. What are we waiting for?"