[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/b648baee-79c7-4757-bd1e-b9f8b0b3aac1/d1b48dt-850fd27d-1e3c-431d-8e6c-04e3f4c97040.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2I2NDhiYWVlLTc5YzctNDc1Ny1iZDFlLWI5ZjhiMGIzYWFjMVwvZDFiNDhkdC04NTBmZDI3ZC0xZTNjLTQzMWQtOGU2Yy0wNGUzZjRjOTcwNDAuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.0krSvy_Ymy2udI8lXtGfcCMxSjnml_pt7algCtrD9S0[/img][/center] [right][b]USAF Daedalus - Col.S.Caldwell in command - Lantea[/b][/right] The Daedalus pulled through the atmosphere, returning from their mission to the Aurora. The crew was solemn, seeing a ship similar to theirs sacrifice themselves to save them. Destroy a Wraith Cruiser. Caldwell sat on the bridge, tablet in hand as he was looking over some of the data they had managed to collect of the Aurora before it was destroyed. There wasn't much, the Wraith had purged pretty much any useful data that could be used to give their own ships a bit more power. He looked up through the viewport window as a voice came over the radio. "Daedalus, this is Atlantis control. You're clear for landing on the east pier, welcome back." Caldwell tapped the comm in his left ear. "Thankyou Atlantis. I'm sorry I couldn't be bringing back better news." The voice of Dr.Elizabeth Weir replaced that of whatever scientist had previously been on the radio. "That's okay Colonel. You all came back safe-" Someone could be heard speaking off to the side. "-Colonel we're picking up a strange energy reading coming from the Daedalus, is everything okay?" Caldwell turned to his own officers, without anything being said they had already begun to run diagnostics. Both shaking their heads. "We're not picking up anything Doctor, can you be more specific?" He sat down in his command chair, as there was a strange light that began streaming in the window. "Marks." "We're still getting nothing, Sir." "Doctor Weir are you sure-" The entire ship shook, everyone ducking to cover their eyes as the light got far too bright to look at. Then as it dimmed they found themselves in deep space. "Status!" At the same time as he called the command AR-1, Atlantis first recon team came onto the bridge. While Caldwell didn't always see eye to eye with the leader, he couldn't argue with his skill and the ability of the team. "What the hell is going on?" That was Sheppard, straight to the point. McKay was already pushing one of his crew off a terminal while his own officers worried away at their terminals. Marks was the first one to chime up. "Sir, we're not only just above Atlantis the navigational computer has no record of where we are. It doesn't even register the travel." "Oh no, no, no, no, no no!" Atlantis' resident egomaniac had something to say, though while it was unbearable Rodney McKay had an ego for a reason. "Got something to say, Doctor?" "McKay?" McKay turned to face Sheppard, rather than Caldwell on his own ship. "Whatever shifted us, shifted us far enough away from Atlantis that the navigational computer has no idea where we are. With no navigational data, we can't find a way back-" His voice was interrupted by Marks, his first officer Kevin Marks spoke up again. "Sir, we're picking up contacts!" "Shields up! Bring main railguns online, and have all pilots stand by. Bring them up onscreen." He turned his chair as the screen to the left of the bridge was replaced with images of a group of ships in the surrounding space. "What am I looking at Marks?" "Unsure. None of them is a design or putting out energy the likes of which we've never seen." There was a pause. Everyone paused. Caldwell turned to Cooper. "Broadcast on an open channel." She nodded as he pressed his talk button on his armchair, standing up and walking to the window to look out as he did so. "This is Colonel Steven Caldwell of the Earth ship Daedalus. We have been brought here without our knowledge, and are unsure of our current galactic positioning. We mean no harm however will defend ourselves if provoked, we request navigational data so that we can plot a flight home." "Sir, someone else is on an open channel." She played the hail through the speakers. [quote=@Zarkun] "Attention unidentified ships, this is Supreme Commander Jason Erthos of the Galactic Republic Remnant. It would seem the galaxy is not how we left it several hours ago, and we hope you might be able to answer some questions. Please respond on this channel."[/quote] "Supreme Commander? Galactic Republic Remnant?" Sheppard looked over at Ronan and Teyla. Ronan just shrugged. Teyla shook her head. "These terms and names are unfamiliar to me, but then I am unfamiliar with any other spacefaring races other than the Wraith."