[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BbOvZ6C.png[/img][/center] [color=F74F31]Time:[/color] Dawn [color=F74F31]Location:[/color] Near the River Kingdom [color=F74F31]Interactions:[/color][@princess][@Jamesyco][@MissCapnCrunch] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O2OsVO7.png[/img][/center] Kyran hugged Risa, friendly kissing her on the top of her head. He had no idea how she kept so positive when things got so dark. It was admirable. She would always put on a brave-face and try to guide others in order to make sure others were happy, but he wished she’d let up and let herself display negative emotions sometimes, for her own health’s sake. [color=F74F31]"I am sure you are right. We could go to Roshmi and get my mom to give us new clothes. She will give us some old ones or clothes that aren't selling. I agree on getting the human washed and disguised the best we can."[/color] He chimed in, still worried about her or Dionaea getting hurt and now even Jean Her hand had been trembling when she had attempted to comfort and ease him. He decided to try to ease her fear as well. [color=F74F31]"I will protect you with my life, Risa."[/color] He told her while staring into her beautiful, violet eyes. Tears brimmed in his eyes at the thought of losing his friends. Kyran wanted to live through this to get to marry Risa, or at least finally confess his feelings to her. She had been his best friend for years and her kind soul had inspired him to be better every-day. He would give up the world for her. The two were suddenly interrupted by Jean coming out of the door of the house, who reacted rather negatively to Aklenroth’s words. Risa began to sum everything to him which was a very daunting task. Kyran watched Jean fall to his knees with everything that he was told. All that he knew was being torn apart and reality itself was changing before him. Kyran felt terrible for him, his heart sinking for the human. Risa seemed pretty upset too. He couldn't understand truly what was happening with Jean as he had never had anything like that happen to him, but he decided then he would do whatever it takes for the poor human to understand and make the human as comfortable in Avalia as he could. Risa did a decent job of explaining everything to him but he still seemed overwhelmed. He knew he’d have to jump in and help. [color=F74F31]"We could not save the girl, otherwise we would have. That being you saw take her was another fairy and we hoped he was taking her out of harm’s way since we had our hands full with the wolves and Risa was too weak."[/color] Kyran knew they had left the fire-wielding human behind. It would be in their best interest to locate her and make sure she was safe. [color=F74F31]"You will not be alone in your fight. There are many willing to fight for this cause."[/color] He was trying to address all of his concerns. [color=F74F31]"As for your beliefs, we are not demons. I know we may seem so since you have never seen creatures such as us, but we are simply creatures of a different land that many humans have yet to discover or understand. Demons exist in this land and work under Aklenroth which is why we want to free ourselves from his evil rule."[/color] Making him understand that they were not from hellish origin was very important. [color=F74F31]"You are gifted with divine power. From the way you created a shield and sword from the ground itself, it seems you can manipulate the materials of the planet."[/color] Jean’s words held many clues to who he was on Earth. Words such as "holy" clued Kyran into the idea that this human was quite religious and religious ideas would inspire him most. He may have not known the true origin of the powers but if he had to guess it was from a source outside of Avalia. [color=F74F31]"I am sure we will find that girl and we can save her just like we saved you."[/color] He got up, walking over to him and reaching his hand out. [color=F74F31]"Here, pick yourself up."[/color] he smiled looking down at Jean, hoping he assured some confidence and moral back into the upset human. [color=F74F31]"By the way my name is Kyran and her name is Risa. The sleeping girl is named Dionaea."[/color] [color=F74F31]"We are your friends now and have your back, whatever your decision may be."[/color]