Melech looked around the huge lobby, smiling as he waited for the announcement. It wasn't often he enjoyed working for the Hutts, but this time was special. No one had died for this; no one had shot at him; no one was being blackmailed or exploited; there hadn't even been any major malfunctions during production. He was paid to make something, and he made it. Sure, it was a gambling rig, but compared to the moral standings of other jobs he'd taken, this one was practically charity. The order was simple and, he had to admit, ingenious. Make a massive dejarik board-one so big, the creatures could all be life size-with detail so precise you could make out the individual scales and hairs. In use, each player would sit in a special section above the main board, able to look down on the action while directing the game from a traditional board, and watch their opponent through a live visual feed. To play, each player had to pony up a massive five thousand credits, with the winner walking away with eight thousand credits as their prize. At face value, it made money honestly and directly; If you win, you walk away with more than you payed-with a nice piece left over for the casino. The genius, though, was in the viewing area. Anyone in the casino would be able to look down and see the games going on. However, all they would see is markers-little floating medallions with icons to represent the pieces. To see the best part, all the needed was to rent out the special holo-goggles. They were the real secret, and the reason someone like Melech was needed to make the machine. Using special ultra-violet and infrared holograms, Melech created the light weight goggles to allow spectators to view the fully detailed, massive figures on the board in real time. To tie it all together, he added in a custom-made, procedurely generated combat system that allowed the pieces to engage in all-out combat, including taking real battle damaged which remained on every figure through the entire game. All the spectacle of a bloody gladiatory arena, with the strategy and gameplay of dejarik. All you needed to see it was pay the hundred credit rental fee for the goggles.