[@FunnyGuy][@Tae] [color=c4df9b][h2][center]O'Ner Faister [/center][/h2][/color] "Then we will check the River Kingdom and interrogate anyone that may have the whereabouts of the humans" O'Ner looked down at Umber with his black hollowed eye sockets. He looked down to Tu who was looking back at him with a angry look on her face, Even though she was a undead hell horse. She was quite expressive or able to let him know how she was feeling, "I am sorry but we have to get inside the amora, Don't worry i brought carrots and water for you" He had said this as he rode Tu into the air ship. And in a hush whisper so only she would hear him, The demonic horse nodded her head understanding his words. O'Ner stopped Tu and got off his horse,Producing a bundle of carrots and materializing a pale of water. Placing the water on the seat beside him and the carrots in his lap. Once in a while feeding Tu a carrot while she would drink from the pale of water. "The only thing you will need to worry about is your your competence in the battlefield. I would hate to tell Aklenroth to dismantle your position in his army" O'Ner shot back at him not even looking him in the eyes. O'Ner was not one to converse with the other's in Aklenroth's army, He would say the only friend he had was Fillip and Tulip. He greatly disliked everyone but he tolerated them for the most part. He liked to think he was quite competence in fighting and serving Aklenroth, And he was not going to be undermined by Aklenroth's underlings. He had served the army for many years he would think more so then the other two, Although he was not proud what he horrible things he had done in the past. But he could say he has earned his place being a general in Aklenroth's army. His eyes then looking out the window and his thoughts moving to when he was alive, When he would come home form his job. His former job being a mage that would heal or help the villagers, He thought that he was damn good at his job and was considered one of the most well known mages in the land. He would be travel everywhere from the Orcs, Fairy and Demi-Humans like himself, Helping them with any magical issue or medical issue they may have.He was sure that is why Aklenroth resurrected him, Because he was a well known and well versed mage. But when he got home he would play with his daughter and help his wife cook dinner, They would talk about their day or mostly he would tell his daughter all the fun events during his travel. He missed her deeply along with his wife, He wished he could turn back time and back to the happier days. But he couldn't do that so he would have to live with his tainted soul, The thought of not being able to join his wife and family in the afterlife. He had a feeling if he ever died again, He would wake up to a very dark place.