First wave of reviews: [indent][@Haruharara] Quin thinks a bio-terrorist is a neat concept, if not for the fact that the [i]level[/i] of crimes indicates death and-or execution. The problem there is, well, the prisoners here are noteworthy of being in transit to a labor camp before things led to our current situation. The concept of his bio-immune disease being contagious and problematic is another issue as it would impart a problem in direct situations. I don’t know if it’s interesting or just overcomplicated that characters would have to worry about ensuring you can contain your contagion while also worrying about everything else that is happening around them. Currently, I would ask for revisions. Sentence is too extreme. Maybe rethink contagion. [@OwO] Perfect! Accepted. Group definitely needed a pilot to land ship. [@Black Alice] Is solid idea, but not really sure if it is good for this RP. I'd like all players to be human-ish in nature. Robots are cool, but don't exactly offer what I'm looking for. The meaning behind this is well, tension, fear, and more human complexes are what I'm looking for. Even if a robot has artificial ways of replicating this, it is not exactly the same. This would need a lot of justification, adjustment, and convincing to make me reconsider. Sorry! [@candlelitcraft] Ilex is good to go! Hopefully they will be most resourceful! [/indent]