[img]http://static.oprah.com/images/o2/201508/201508-omag-michael-b.jordan-949x534.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jace Williams [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6'1 [b]Weight:[/b] 188 lbs [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African American [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Religion:[/b] Christian in name only [b]Occupation:[/b] Unemployed [b]Ability:[/b] Strength Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate strength allowing him to absorb, transfer, increase, decrease, and manipulate the strength of himself, others, and objects. He can affect the strength of things wholly or partially, as well as affecting various and different types of "Strengths". [b]Background:[/b] Jace William was born in Chicago, in a rough part of town. His father left his family when he was only two years old, leaving his mother to fend herself and all his siblings. He grew up poor, and as such never wanted to experience that type of life again. His mother struggled to motivate him to take school seriously so he could succesful in life. However he ended up rebelling, spending most of his time getting into fights, skipping class, smoking cigarettes, stealing, & chasing women. Him and his older brother Jason ended up getting involved with selling drugs through his uncle who was a successful drug dealer. After his brother was shot in the head from a drug deal wrong, he was sent to live in Atlanta with his Auntie Keisha as well as his younger brother Devon & sister Tamara. Scarred by his brother's death he began taking school more seriously. He landed a job as a waiter, and began playing football. He developed a close friend-ship with Kalep Jackson, and they bonded over their similar back-grounds & struggles. Due to financial hard-ship he ended up selling drugs again in high school, which led to him getting arrested his senior year. He lost his football scholarship, and ended up doing a year in jail for assault & heroin possession. He got his GED in jail, and ended up bouncing from job to job. Once again he slipped into a detrimental path, this time becoming a jack boy. Seeing how much profit he was making from stealing, he ended up leaving his job. With the money he was making he once again invested his into fornicating with women, smoking weed, and other degenerate behaviors. He supported his sister Tamara who went to school to pursue politician science with the goal of going to law school, and helped out his brother Devon who got involved with selling drugs. Eventually Devon was arrested, and Jace was in the car with him. Devon was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Jace was only given probation. While on probation he wound up discovering a love for music, and started rapping/making music. He made moderate success, and to fund his ventures he managed to land a job at a car dealership from a family friend, as well as working as a security guard part time. He ended up failing a probation drug test, lost his security job, and went back to jail for 60 days. After getting out he got in contact with his uncle who moved to Atlanta, and began selling cocaine. Seeking to monetize his profits, he regained his job at the dealership, and began selling to dealers to increase his profit & launder money. He also helped his friend Kalep who was down on his luck get a job at the dealership prior to "The Incident" taking place. Now with his newfound powers, he's ready to take on the world, and claim everything he deserves.