[centre][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e9901dd5f6d91f508b6077b0d21895e7/tumblr_pp7u7yhvwq1v6xsm2o2_500.gif[/img][/centre] [h2][centre]Longshanks[/centre][/h2] It seemed there was no more need for words. Their actions would do the talking. The clash of combat was a natural state for knights such as them, after all. From her speed and elegance alone, this certainly would be a dangerous foe. Even under the pressure of his will, the Saber was the faster of the two combatants. His large hammer, too, was unwieldy compared to a simple sword. With his instinct telling him the direction that the attacks would come from, it was possible to swing the shaft, adjusting it to meet and repel the incoming attacks. There was no opening to make an attack of his own, though, at least not without opening himself up to taking damage from the Saber at his more vulnerable points. He was on the defensive, and he had no way of knowing which of them could keep up the fight for longer. He frowned, thinking over his options. Perhaps for now it would be best to stall defensively, to trust Daisuke’s ability to take out the likely incapacitated opposing Master. If that proved too slow, perhaps he would have to use his trump card. [@KoL] [@Duoya]