Benjamin sat back and looked at Ari. "I can hear you," he said, figuring she would want to know that. "I suppose that is one thing crossed from my list of things to do the afternoon. On the way here I already apologised about missing group therapy this morning, which is another thing crossed off. And I haven't heard about an appointment with the psychiatrist, so I guess my busy afternoon isn't so busy after all." Now that he realised that, another realisation hit. What was he supposed to do the entire day? Hanging out with Ray and her spirits was nice, but he would like to do something. "So... we need to figure out what happened to three people now," he said. "The old cop Franklin, Simon, Susanna. I know both Simon and Susanna had an evaluation about their medication before they left, and they had always faithfully taken them. I don't know Franklin though." He had decided to bring the conversation back to that topic, during lunch they hadn't been able to really talk about it.