Lizzie and Happiny were taking a casual stroll along the path to the next town. It was taking much longer than Lizzie expected, but she had plenty of supplies to keep her going until she arrived. As the path led her into a clearing out of the woods, Lizzie placed one of her hands over her eyes and squinted with distaste. It was so hot and bright today. Good thing she was prepared. She pulled out a cute, pink umbrella to shield Happiny and herself from the sun. They hummed along together as they walked, keeping a look out for any Pokemon that Lizzie would want to catch. She was a bit more nervous about the prospect of finding another trainer though. She was still a very new trainer, and wasn't sure if she would be able to battle well enough. Lizzie shook the thought out of her head. She shouldn't think like that. If she was this unsure of herself as a trainer than she should never have left the Pokemon Center in the first place. Nope, she was going to prove herself as a trainer even if it meant... battling that strong looking trainer on the top of that hill... [@Birdboy]