[center] [h1] Another Reunion [/h1] [/center] [hr] He stood before the door as the light of Heliopolis rose to touch his back. A shaking hand rested upon the door knob as anxiety welled up in his heart. Orvus was afraid. He did not know what his family thought of his disappearance, or how they would react to returning after ten long years. It felt like a lifeage and he was tired, so very tired. Perhaps that was what it felt like to be mortal. A perpetual tiredness, mixed with regret and sadness. He unwittingly caused the entire world harm, which it was probably still going through and Kalmar lay dying or dead… And it was all his fault. He had failed them all, every single o- The door began to open, and he recoiled his hand. Then standing before him was a starry nebulite woman of purple and pink swirls. Her long hair, the same colors, glowed faintly. She wore simple clothing. Her eyes went wide as she recoiled, before bringing her hands up to cover her mouth and nose. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she whispered, “D-Daddy…?” Something broke inside, as a flood of tears began to fall down his pale face. He began to nod his head. [color=black]”L-Lily…”[/color] he breathed desperately. She then embraced him and Orvus returned the hug, clinging to his daughter as they both cried. She had somehow grown taller than him, but only by a small amount, and yet this did not stop him from seeing her as his little girl. With happy tears, she pulled away and grabbed the sides of his face. “Where have you been?” she asked. [color=black]”The Moon…”[/color] he said, the memories of that place haunting him still. Abraxas cruel laughter mocked him, before he blinked again and smiled. [color=black]”When did you get so tall?”[/color] She laughed at that, before hugging him again. “Oh dad… I missed you.” she whispered into his chest. Orvus hugged her tighter, before another voice could be heard, one that had pulled him through the torture. [color=sienna]”Lily? Who are you talkin-”[/color] Rowan said, standing at the far end of the hallway, now frozen. Slowly as she registered what she was seeing, the woman with mahogany hair began to cry as she rushed to Orvus. Lily was quick to leave him, before Rowan almost tackled him to the ground. It took the last of his strength to stand up, but he did and he clung onto her for life as they slipped to the floor. She hugged him tightly for a long time, neither of them wanting the moment to end. But Rowan eventually pulled back as her cheeks were wet. [color=sienna]”Never again.”[/color] she shook her head. [color=sienna]”Never again am I letting you out of my sight.”[/color] [color=black]”I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”[/color] Orvus cried, falling forward into her lap. [color=black]”I’ll never leave again, I promise.”[/color] He felt a hand gently caress his hair as he cried. “M-Mom?” came a child’s voice. Orvus brought his head up and looked past Rowan to see a golden figure. A boy, with black eyes and he knew he looked upon his son. He felt a greater sadness well up inside of him, at the fact that the boy had never known his father. But that would change. [color=sienna]”Doron.”[/color] Rowan said, also looking at him. [color=sienna]”I’d like you to meet your father.”[/color] The boy blinked, an uncertain look came upon his face as he looked between his two parents. “My… Father?” he said after a moment. [color=black]”H-Hello, Doron. My son.”[/color] he said with a bit of pride in his voice. Doron took a step backwards, before turning around and running inside. [color=sienna]”Doron!”[/color] Rowan called after him, but it was too late, the boy was gone. She turned to Lily, who was already making her way inside. “I’m already on it, mom.” [color=sienna]”Thank you, dear.”[/color] she said, before turning back to Orvus, who stared at the empty door frame. He felt many emotions, none of them good, but chief among them was his failure of being the boy’s father. Rowan pulled him back into a hug and said, [color=sienna]”It’s okay my love. He’ll come around, I know it. He needs his father as much as you need him.”[/color] He clutched her shoulder and said, [color=black]”I hope so. I do. I’m such a failure Rowan. I should have seen what she was going to do, I should have helped her. I should have known. It’s all my fault.”[/color] he broke down again. Rowan rocked him and said, [color=sienna]”No, it is not your fault. It is Laurien’s fault. She did this to you. To us. She didn’t have to, Orvus. She didn’t have to hurt you. That was her fault, not yours. But you’re here now, you came back to us.”[/color] she said, crying happy tears. The rational part of his mind wanted to believe her, but something held him back… Guilt. [color=black]”O-Okay.”[/color] he lied to her. [color=black]”O-Okay.”[/color] “DAD!” Came another voice, one similar to Lily’s. Orvus looked up and back to see Ava running at them on the path. Following close behind was Arya and another male, holding something in his hands. Ava quickly bounded up the steps and just like Rowan, attacked Orvus before he could react with a fierce hug. He returned it with a hard squeeze. “Where have you been, daddy?” she cried. He said nothing but pat her on her back, finding the right words to be difficult anymore. Ava finally pulled away to look at him and smiled warmly, “I have someone that would like to meet you.” she said getting up and going over to the male, who stood with Arya on the porch now. She gave him a quick kiss on her cheek, before taking the bundle in his arms with care. Ava then went back over to them and bent down, revealing a tiny face with large white eyes staring back up at him. “Meet Ellowyn, my daughter.” Ava cooed. The baby smiled up at him, and suddenly he felt much better. [color=black]”She’s… She’s beautiful.”[/color] he breathed. And somehow, surrounded by his loved ones, Orvus knew everything was going to be okay. [hider=summary] Orvus meets his family again, and some new faces. Short, but sweet. [/hider]