“Sewer Dragon live in sewers, yeah.” Shortfang explained as the group walked through the market. He tucked himself into Buddy’s backpack, partially to hide himself from the sun and others, but mostly because he wanted to. “Kobolds not wanted in humie city. But humie city safe, and even if humies don’t like kobold, no one wanna try and kill kobolds... Unless they find one, maybe two kobold. So kobolds live in sewer. Sewer Dragon tribe green kobold, not black like Shortfang. Shortfang ma is Sewer Dragon.” Through the market district they went to a much more rundown looking waterfront district. There were a few docks here with boats, personal vessels mostly, but also scant few people around. A few stray dogs here and there, someone shouting in the distance, but nothing that seemed particularly out of place in the hustle of the city. If anything the fact it’s so much quieter here was more odd. Walking along the docks you could see and smell a wretched stench from the ocean. Seemed that water waste that went through the sewers emptied out to here. There were even a few fishermen trying to fish up anything that might’ve been flushed down on accident, with a few fishermen with a small pile of junk and trash next to them. Eventually they would reach a small wooden door that had a foul odor emanating from it. Shortfang pointed at some scratches on a brick nearby. “Sewer Dragon sign. Ma teach me. This sign says find Sewer Dragons here. Ready?” Pylia didn’t seem to like this place, and wrapped a bitter smelling cloth in front of her nose and mouth. Better this than the scent of raw sewage. She handed one to you as well. It smelled like some sort of Chinese remedy and was almost as bad as the sewage smell, but with a hint of lavender. Something to off-set the stench. “I’m sure they have poison air down there, so this will help. But only for a little while.”