The deeper into the depths you went, the more stale and vile the stretch of the sewers got. It seemed like every hallways you pass, a new, disgusting combination of scents would assault your nose. It was only thanks to Pylia’s medicated cloth that you could fight the urge against puking, and even so this place will make you lightheaded. It was some time before the barrow stairs and hallways lead to a wider sewage system. Even then it still felt cramp; the ceiling was at most six feet at the highest, and that was at the center above where filthy muck water flowed. On the side wall ways, it was barely five feet. Fine for Shortfang, but you and the others had to suck a little. Shortfang continued to lead the way looking for more signs before eventually you two would come across as ghastly sight; a dead kobold, torn apart. “Shit!” Pylia cursed at the sight. Shortfang was quiet however, and carefully examined the body. “Boss, missy, help Shortfang find who do this. This one Sewer Dragon. No one Shortfang know but... Maybe someone know him.”