[right][sub]Mentions: [@Dirty Pretty Lies] (Stephanie) Time: Monday Location: The Hallways[/sub][/right][hr][indent][indent]Kit was really digging this short hair. It looked good on her, or at least she felt like it did. If someone asked her — no one ever did, and it was for the best, Kit tended to ramble — she thought it made her look less like a fucking four year old. Which was becoming an increasingly important thing, as Kit was trying to find her way in high school. If she looked like a kid! Then dammit, everyone was going to [i]treat[/i] her like one, and that was no good. She wasn’t a kid! She was a semi-professional video game player, for fuck’s sake. Eat your heart out, gramps, Kit was [i]to [/i]able to turn all that time playing Xbox when she was younger into a [i]profitable[/i] skill. She just had to… win some tournaments or whatever! That would be easy enough. It was just, finding the tournaments that was hard… She couldn’t think about that now. She had to think about class, which was hard enough sober, but Kit… Kit was very rarely sober, especially nowadays with all the [i]stress[/i] she was going through. Stress about how she was possibly becoming a cult leader, stress about whether or not Dragon Ball FighterZ was going to be as much fun when it released as it was when she played it with Hana — shit didn’t that come out today? Focus, Kit. What else are we stressed about? Oh, right. [i]That[/i]. Was Hailey Green going to take her out back and ol yeller her for kissing Hana? Had Hana told her? [i]How could Kit steal Hana away from Hailey[/i]? It was an impossible task, but Kit was always up to one of those. Maybe that had something to do with the whole ‘rarely sober’ thing… Was Kit stoned? No, being ‘[i]stoned[/i]’’ was for posers — Kit was ripped out of her mind and higher than the clouds. She was stressed! Of course she was smoking in the morning. Stress did that! Weed was like, anti stress! So, naturally, Kit was high as a kite and her eyes had been eye-dropped to clarity. The Professor probably would have complained if she knew about Kit’s state of mind, but the Professor was binge sleeping, drinking, and watching Netflix. The Doc said it was a ‘work in progress’ but Kit didn’t get that. She didn’t even know what was going on, truth be told; the Professor was apparently stressed by Kit’s, ahem, behavior lately. Well, that wasn’t Kit’s fault! So she liked to kiss girls. Who was to blame for that?! God!? It wasn’t Kit’s fault that girls were so goddamn cute. She’d kiss boys too, if they weren’t so… [i]smelly.[/i] Okay, okay. They weren’t smelly, she just… didn’t like them as much! Why did it matter to her mom who and how often she kissed, anyway? Did her mother hate lesbians!? That would explain… well, nothing, really. Kit shook her head. Somehow, someway, she would figure this out. She always did! It was arguably one of her better traits. depending entirely on who you asked. Kit was good at getting things she wanted done! That was how she got to the tippy top of the ranks in TEKKEN, after all: not doing anything but playing for thirty seven hours straight. Kit finally looked up from her shoes, and it was too little too late… She’d already bumped into someone. [color=#7fc19e]“Oh, dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there, I was just focused on like… oh, man. Wait a second, I haven’t seen you before… Well, it’s a pretty big school, and I haven’t seen like… too many people here. Yo! I’m Kit.” [/color]There. Good recovery. Good save. Find a way to kiss the pretty girl Kit.[/indent][/indent]