With all three of your looking over the body, and Buddy watching out for any dangers, you all are able to discern quite a bit of information. With Shortfang and Pylia checking the body you look around for any clues and notice foot prints in the ground, stained with blood and water. Some were small, similar to Shortfang, and thus likely the kobolds. But others were bigger, though roughly the same three-claws shape. Bigger kobolds perhaps? Looking around some more you could guess there were at least three other things chasing after this kobold, but they didn’t all come at once. The kobold must’ve tried to put up a fight but got overwhelmed, which would explain why there was some blood splatter away from the corpse itself. As you looked for more evidence you find something else, rather disgusting but possibly important; some sort of severed claw. It was still warm and the blood was still red. Meanwhile Shortfang managed to learn a few things too. “This one hunter. Know from hands; he use sling and dagger, like many kobold hunters. Young too, maybe five, six. Should not be alone unless... Unless fight too many. Ran away because scared, or split enemy.” Shortfang also managed to find a bone ring on what was left of his hands, though it was cracked and broken. “He have wife. She want this.” Finally Shortfang walked a bit away and looked around for something. Eventually he found a small stone with something scratched onto it. “Smart kobold. He know he dead, but make warning rock. This mean trouble ahead. They no eat body, so tribe must be fight back. Too dangerous for enemy to finish eat kobold.” Shortfang took out his crossbow and summoned Syfr. As Pylia prayed over the body she also reported what she found. “Torn apart by claws and fangs. Like he was chased down by a bunch of rabid animals. Parts f him have been eaten, but the fact they didn’t finish the job likely means Shortfang is right, whoever did this couldn’t stay and finish him off. It seemed like who or whatever killed this kobold, they weren’t alone. There’s at least two, maybe even three creatures involved. Finally, they don’t use poison, but they are filthy. Diseases ridden rodents perhaps... Ah, if only we had more antitoxins.” Pylia sighed. Shortfang returned to throw the body into the sewer, in order to deprive any other creature the luxury of eating his corpse. “Monsters ahead. We fight.”