[b]St. Peterburgh, Russia[/b] [i]Midnight // JANUARY, 23[/i] Julius watched how the robots reacted to the tendril of shadow. They each dropped and phalanxed, but seem to lack any form of projectile. Purely melee with a spear-like weapon and didn't seem to have any light making capabilities either. Three's vabors spread quickly enough through the facility, the only thing saving him was that he was already cloaked in Shadows. But it seemed her decay didn't seem to affect the robots very much. [color=red][i]So they know how to deal with her...what do they have to deal with me?[/i][/color] He thought as he stretched out his arms and legs before cracking his back with a long lean. [color=red]"You're clearly not fast, you can turtle well, undoubtedly strong just by the weight alone...so what can you do?[/color] He questioned out loud as he located and destroyed another camera with a blade of hardened shadow. No need to be putting on a show for the security, although standing in naked light while being a solid black was show enough. Still, the thing about the robots were that they had shadows literally all over them. Every bump made a shadow, every ridge a dark crevice. Their insides also held shadows, but those were harder to access. But for now, another little test of the robots. At the shoulder joint a ball of black with reddish electricity popped to life and promptly exploded while wedged between the plating. Time for a durability test, he started with the explosive force of a grenade. More shadow meant bigger boom, he had only used some of what the shoulder generated from the lights.