[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190916/42a39f4e71988e7ea7a35cd9b01390de.png[/img][/center] [B]Legion HQ, Somewhere[/b] [hr] "I really don't feel comfortable clearing him to go operational." "Marrow and Kannovich have been bitching about how they need more manpower! Just clear this guy so they can shut the fuck up and quit cluttering my inbox." Two men stood in a dark room on the other end of a two way mirror. The mirror allowed them to look into a whitd room where Marcus Stone sat on a fold-up chair at a metal table. Dr. Knowles was unsure about clearing Marcus due to failing his psychological assessment. Agent Warren on the other hand wanted to deploy Marcus as soon as possible. "Isn't Kannovich dead?" Dr. Knowles wondered why Agent Warren included the man. "Did he? I guess that means Marrow will just bitch twice as much for losing one of his best guys. Even more reason to send this crazy fucker. Marrow wants the help, make an exception and give it to him." Agent Warren suggested before exiting the room. Dr. Knowles just stood there and watched as Agent Warren entered the white room. He listened in while he signed off on Marcus's documents "Mr Stone! I think Dr. Knowles just has to sign a few things and you should be good to go. How do you feel about being a part of a Kill-Capture Cell in Atlanta?" Agent Warren smirked as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his black slacks. [Color=olive]"Kill-Capture? Too easy."[/color] Marcus said simply as he smiled, glad to have made it through the process of being cleared to operate as a member of Legion. [Color=olive][I]Agent Marcus Stone. I'm lovin' the sound of that.[/I][/color]