I was keeping a checklist of the 1A students I encountered. The classmates I did see were: Tsu, Ochaco, Kamanari, Jirou, Tokoyami, Mineta, Todoroki, Kachan, and other Dekus (In fact there were many of those last three). I also saw multiple Aizawa-Senseis, a handful of Togas, a single Overhaul, a single Shinso, a single Best Jeanist, a single Rag Doll (multiple times), a Mei, a few Inko Midoriya, one or two Mitsuki Bakugo (one of those times was with Masaryu Bakugo), some generic UA students, and a couple All Might (weakened form). But, this is only the MHA cosplayers. I'm not sure how I can share the pics from fb on here though.