A small [I]garumph[/I] escaped her lips as he pulled away from her nuzzle. [color=#FFE58F]”Move? No, I’m quite fond of my house in Gridania. Besides, moving to the other side of the world seems like an excellent reason for both of our families to hound us even more, no?”[/color] She let out a small sigh, [color=#FFE58F]”I simply enjoy looking at the beautiful things that others do with their homes. It inspires me for mine! I’ve heard that the people here decorate their homes with, oh, we’re here!”[/color] As they made their way into the restaurant, she immediately went on the prowl. Identifying her prey, she gave Rhaq’a a quick peck on the shoulder and ran off towards a middle-aged man at the back. She spoke to him for several moments before turning back towards her mate. As she began walking, she tripped on seemingly nothing, catching herself at the last moment, bent well over. The man she had been talking to was clearly staring hard at her position. She caught Rhaq’a’s eye, giving him a wink before slowly straightening up, making sure to catch the back of her skirt on a chair, then just as quickly ‘fixing’ it. She waved back at the manager, who looked flustered, waved, and went in back. She strode back towards Rhaq’a. [color=#FFE58F]”Noodles should be here shortly! On the house, he said.”[/color] She took his hand in hers, gave it a small squeeze, and pulled him towards a table.