Rhy chuckled as she pulled up her seat at the table, [color=#FFE58F]“Caring for people pays well! Medically, of course. Goodness knows you’re not hurting for Gil either, dear.”[/color] She did so enjoy putting him on the spot; she’d hoped originally that it would help him open up a bit, but at his point it was more entertainment to her than anything else. It was how she showed her love. She looked around the restaurant as they waited for their food, taking in the atmosphere of the place. [color=#FFE58F]”Perhaps one of those Au Ra villages under the Ruby Sea. To move too? Do they accept outsiders? I visited one once, and they seemed like lovely people while I was there.”[/color] Her mate’s silence filled the air. She attempted to interrupt his solemn brooding by reaching over and booming him on the nose. [color=#FFE58F]”Gotcha!”[/color]