[center][h1][color=B9C66E]Mona Windrider[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.ibb.co/cXFZWZB/Mona.jpg[/img] [i][color=B9C66E]Location:[/color] The Future Palace --> The Now Times Palace [color=B9C66E]Skills:[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Mona smiled with relief at his statement. The sarcasm of it went right over her bushy-haired head. She did have some concern over the black liquid that flowed from his mouth and wondered what it could be. She should probably take him to a healer to get that looked at. Nevermind that he was just a head. She had only ever known him as a head. She had not anticipated the spark of flame about her again. Her heart raced to a panic as she was transported from the future world back to the past. Back to normal, here and now present. Good. She was all sorts of nervous and flighty about being in the future. She didn't belong there just yet. Ideas were being thrown about. People making plans hither and thither. Mona turned her attention from the head in her hands to the ground. [color=B9C66E]"Well, cannae much o' nuthin' be done 'til we be talkin' to the Bally-man,"[/color] she said matter of factly. For all their planning it would do no good if he did not cooperate. Best take care of that when the time came - cross that bridge so to speak. Besides, maybe the Ball-dun would know a thing or two to do. Or maybe their meddling would make things happen? It was all very confusing. Mona came to the conclusion she did not at all like knowing the future.