Roland had been almost too tired to acknowledge where he was or what was happening as the sweat poured down his body, but it all came rushing back in when he felt a palpable wisp of air from his right. He spun, and he bore witness to a nightmare in living form. The thing was massive, all eight legs the size of saplings, with a bulbous body that could crush a man under its weight. But it's terrible maw and its dozen, baleful eyes that pierced Roland's soul. Hideously, it sucked in a form of webbing as it drew Iseldis toward its fanged mouth, retching shadow and heaving back its gluttonous form to further yank her closer. A part of him believed this was the end for her, and he was helpless to do anything as she would be devoured. But another part of him fought against that fear, and something deep welled within him as he grabbed his sword. Later he would realize it was her calling out his name that got his muscles to move and his heart to steel itself. For now, it seemed like the call of the Gods. He drew his sword, and despite his fear he gave a roar, fierce and loud, but hoarse from how fatigued he was. Still, the chittering thing stopped its advance on Iseldis (after having shaken off the light shield) and regarded him with its eyes. Roland pointed straight at its eldritch face. "By Eruvar and Baelyr, I will not suffer you to live!" he cried, and the monster flinched as if struck. Roland did not hesitate. He charged forward, knowing if he didn't now, he never would. Briefly, his sword glimmered in the light of the mushrooms that had not been dulled by the creature's essence, and he stabbed forward, piercing the thing's thorax. Screeching, the thing shot a web at Roland, taking him by the arm and flinging him at the mushroom behind him. He hit the trunk hard, knocking the wind out of his body and dazing him, his mind ablur with images of his training. He couldn't die was getting closer... [@Luminosity]