Raven walked along the beaten path that she used that lead to the lake area that Eleizer took her too. As she walked she stopped before a river and looked at her reflection and how her long black hair just fell. She soon started to tremble a bit and cry more. “My one shot of actually finding love and happiness shattered now I only have two options after helping Eliezer and that is to continue to stay in the shadows and got back to being a heartless killer or just end everything and finally reunite with her mother and father. She clenched her fist and shamed hard. “I wish these feelings would stop I wish now to be the one thing I hate........” She said as she hugged herself. “And that is a doll now I see why nobles become so doll like its to avoid being hurt and not have to worry when someone in the end might get hurt.” She said to herself as she looked at her reflection. “I mean look at me I would not even pass for the perfect bride anyways.” Raven said before she started her walk again along the path and soon her skirt got caught and ripped. She looked down at the rip after she stopped before looking down at herself and how she was dressed so nice and soon ripped the the bottoms of the skirt part of her dress to make it easier to all in and used the ripped scrapped fabric to soak in the water then used to to wash the make up off her face. After she did that she ripped the ribbon out of her hair and the sleeves or her dress before kicking off her nice shoes and lastly she pulled out her secret dagger taking chunks of her long hair and cutting it it with the blade. Raven thought what was the paint anymore why she should even try and even got rid of the one thing that her father loved about her and that was her beautiful long hair, which was no at her shoulder due to the little brawl at the able she had with the amateur assassins, that she kept long just for him. But in the end she hacked it off and left with really [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e4/bf/5a/e4bf5a769c462c2d829f18c8021b3799--short-black-hair-girl-short-hair.jpg]short hair[/url] but long enough to tell she was still a girl. She used the ribbons that made her hair look nice to tie up her long now cut off locks of hair and just placed it in the river and walked away barefoot back to her home that she now shared with her siblings. Raven spooned walked through the door and Amy was the first to nice who was shocked and mad about her appearance, but before she could get a word in Raven though a dagger near her head barely missing instantly shutting her up before walking past her to the back room. Once she opened the door she saw The old man that took the orphans to another kingdom for safety also known as the man who raised and trained them all. “Raven good to see you but what happened to you?” He asked as Raven closed the door and soon she ran into his arms crying and told him the whole story how Eliezer knows and now believes he will not see her anymore unless it has something to do with exposing Mathazar. AS she cried into his chest her master did what he could to calm his little Moon Raven. “My dear Moon Raven do not be like this makes me sad to see my special on like this.” He said as he lifted her chin to have her look at him with her tear stained face and now red puffy eyes. “How about this after everything is done here come travel with me and be a mercenary assassin like me and see the world and pant roots somewhere else away from this place.” HE said to her and Raven was not sure for it did sound nice but she still wanted to end everything also and finally be with her parents again in the after life. “I will think about it master but no promises.” She explained to him and her MAster smiled for that was all he asked for and soon started to cast her up with his favorite assassin. Back at the palace one of the assassins that Allister released appeared before him and reported what happened between Raven and Eliezer along with her sudden action as she returned home. Allister sighed and folder his hands other and rested his chin on them. “I feared this she is losing faith that now Eleizer knows the truth he will follow duty over love and knowing him he will.” Allister said with a sigh and nw more then ever he had to get Raven out of this kingdom back to Lunar. “There is one more this it seems Eliezer might possible still feel something for her from what we heard for at first he was contemplating on ending things but yet he feel like he can not.” The man explained to Allister and that got his attentions. “So the dear little prince might actually follow his heart over duty but it is a long shot.” Allister said to the assassin. “Also it seems it was leaked already about escape and how Eliezer is suspected involvement with us.” The assassin said which was not true. “No not with you......with Moon Raven someone must of blabbed claiming she is from Lunar and an assassin standing along side with Eliezer for what better way to turn the people against their beloved prince if he is possibly with the enemy for I know this kingdom still agains Lunar no thanks to the lies their oh so wonderful king has spread.” Allister said for it it was not for the king Raven would still have her parents and maybe her father Aster and his father could of made up and brought Raven into the world she was technically born into and that is to be heir to the Lunar throne and be the Queen that helped changed the kingdom for the better. “For now go and as I said all of you stay in the shadows do not be seen.” He finished explaining and the assassin nodded and disappeared. “Man should I tell Eleizer the truth that he is technically in love with Lunar Heir.........no he has already been hit with enough for now but I better do it soon or I have to get her out of here fast.” Allister said with a sigh and leaned back in his chair trying to think of his next move.