Faolan's eyebrows lifted with each passing refrain of Lucien's story. He wouldn't normally have believed such a thing, that Lucien had gotten him off nearly scott free after leaving a room full of otherwise healthy men battered, bruised, and probably concussed. He had been in scraps an scrapes in the past, but as soon as the law was involved, he either had to find a clever way out without hurting anyone else, or get thrown in the clink until he could find a way out. Never would he have gone to the law before the attacked, essentially that would amount to turning himself in and Faolan hated nothing more than imprisonment. Being on a ship, there was nowhere to run, however. He had been more than willing to accept his fate of incarceration for this, unless things got even more sour. No, he wouldn't have believed this story if anyone else had told it. Lucien had nothing to gain from lying to him and everything to gain from keeping him out of prison. There was nothing for him if he was lying, and Faolan knew the way people reacted to him, most were scared to cross him. But it wasn't fear either, that motivated Lucien to help him, it was just out of sheer goodness. A kind that Faolan had never encountered before. It left him feeling...lost. There was a long pause after Lucien finished speaking, and Faolan took this moment of contemplation to put his little book back into the folds of his bag. [color=a36209]"Well, color me impressed."[/color] He said, his voice flat. He shrugged, then kicked his legs out again and laid back down on his cot. [color=a36209]"I suppose I owe you again, for getting me out of trouble."[/color] He closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head, his face completely blank.